Biopsy or not?
My PSA went from 2.2 to 2.3 over 5 years, which is nothing. I have chronic prostatitis and BPH. The velocity is very low
I’m 64 and in good health, no
Meds and physically active.
The VA ordered me to have a MRI with contrast. They rated my MRI at Bi-Rad 3. I had an MRI 5 years ago from a different source and they rated me Bi-Rad 2.
I’m arguing with myself to have a biopsy. Thoughts???
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Might’ve been the new PSE test - a lot of drs aren’t even aware of it yet.
I'm in the same boat, PSA 3.8 and a Pi rad 3 with contrast and a Pi rad 2 without, however, they also see one small lesion in the Peripheral zone.
My Dr suggested a targeted MRI guided biopsy with contrast.
He is very optimistic that if it is cancerous we caught it very early in his opinion.
I went in with BPH symptoms and then confirmed they BPH.
I'm just a bit nervous !!!
Can you share a link that sights that
''20 % of Pi Rads 3 are cancerous'' please.
What kind of Prostatitis ? bacterial or non bacterial ?
@monteshark First " What is this test called ? There are numerous NEW ONES OUT THERE .
None can confirm you have any type of cancer . Only a Biopsy can .
Your MRI PI-RADS Score would typically indicate a low risk of cancer and no need for a Biopsy HOWEVER, FOLLOW YOUR UROLOGISTS ADVICE .
Non bacterial, mine is stress induced most often. I have had several infections as well. Since age 52 (I’m 64 now) I’ve had these problems. BPH, UTIs, prostate infections, and prostatitis. I’m so over this prostate. I strongly believe that many of my problems are connected to topical & injectable testosterone therapy.
@monteshark I should have said " Google what your PROSTATE RADS Score means ?
The urine test, called MyProstateScore 2.0, or MPS2, looks at 18 different genes linked to high-grade prostate cancer.
Do a search for Pirads 3 20%
Here’s one result. I’ve seen 21%.
Across a large regional collaborative, patients with PIRADs 3 lesions on mpMRI were noted to have clinically significant cancer in 20% of biopsies
I did TRT too but I dont think that it is the cause.
How was your non bacterial prostatitus treated ? and did said treatment clear it up ?
Im a stressful person too. My GP thought I had non bacterial prostatitis a few months ago when all this started, However, the ER Dr. and ultimately the Urologist didn't think so ...Im not so sure the Urologist and ER Dr are right.