Binaural beats

Posted by cavalryman @cavalryman, Feb 11 8:29am

I just posted this on another section. Listening to sounds can help the brain in soothing inflammation if the hertz is the correct one. Binuaral beats have been used for many years.
Just type youtube good vibes binaural beats into your browser. Hope it helps others as it has helped me. I listen almost everday before and during my afternoon nap. On low dose steroids and adrenals not working full blast yet.

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I now have very little hearing in my left ear and have tinnitus in that ear. I, for a long time, was listening to binaural beats on you tube. I had bought an open air headset from a company 'Shokz' that utilized bone conduction. I was able to Bluetooth it to the phone I had then and it would customize the volume to my left and right ears separately. And I could hear in my left ear, seemingly bypassing the problem in my ear. I got a new phone that did not have that feature. It was a hearing test that adjusted the left and right separately. I have hearing aids now, the left hearing aid is a transmitter, I hear everything in the right ear. Yes, listening to binaural beats is calming, soothing. I used to fall asleep listening.
Thanks for bringing this topic to this support group. I'm going to resurrect my bone conduction headset and experiment again. The nice thing about that headset was that I could walk outside and still hear what was going on around me, like traffic. Also, you can listen without bothering people around you but can still be involved.
Binaural beats is definitely worth investigating. I will for sure listen when I get in bed.😴


I am not an expert here on binaural beats. Best to read about it. Pretty sure you need hearing in both ears to maximize benefits, hence my use of the bone conduction headset helped me.

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