Anybody have bilateral SI Joint Fusion? Did it help? Recovery time?

Posted by terrier74 @terrier74, Feb 23 6:31am

Anybody have bilateral SI Joint Fusion? Was it beneficial? Recovery time?

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I never had one person respond to my serious question on this site- good luck.


Thanks Lee. Looking for as much and any avenue of information that I can obtain. Can you recommend and sites that may be able to help.


Thanks Lee. Looking for as much and any avenue of information that I can obtain. Can you recommend and sites that may be able to help.

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Maybe Spine Universe.

The bit I know about Sacrum fusion is it is not common area to fuse. and can cause more problems. I also have problem diwn there. So have some experience from my very cautious and excellent Spine neuro surgeon and my pain doctor. I had successfully RFA, solved problem. Also be careful w stretching, would think it helps but not. I had to stop allot of exercise/ stretch so pain stayed at bay
Did you try RFA. Look up a post I made about Radio Frequency ablation. I only discussed on my Cspine but also had done on my Lumbar and Sacrum. Also for Sacrum they can to a cold version tht is suppose to be excellent, but it is not covered by many insurance companies. Look at my previous post, done last 2 weeks- tht noone responded. But you will see my response/ help to others. Always make sure u get another opinion from a suegeon not affiliated w the practice . There are many who have no clue what they are doing or do unnecessary surgery. Same goes for procedure s


Thanks Lee, very helpful. Yes I’ve had RFA for both lower lumbar and S I Joints. Helpful but of course lasted for 90/120 days again appreciate the input and will take a look at your previous posts


@terrier74 You may be interested in some of these other discussions about SI joint fusion. My physical therapist didn't think it was a good idea when we talked about it. My pelvis does go out of alignment, and she has shown me ways to get it back in alignment, and it actually is better now and I think core strength helps. Once you fuse it, it is stuck which affects movement. Some of these discussions may not be active anymore, and hopefully there will be some useful information.

SI joint fusion
Anyone navigating SI joint fusion complications?
Scheduled for a Bilateral SI Joint fusion here in 3 weeks. Thoughts?


Jennifer, thank you. Yes vey helpful. In comments from other forums over the past 18 months the general consensus is SI Joint Fusion eventually does ease SI Joint pain / discomfort with strong possibilities of additional pain elsewhere , lumbar, leg, burseas. The discussions provided great info and other avenues to pursue so thank you . I’ve found that core strengthening, hamstring/ quadriceps/ hip bursea stretch I can manage the day better along with ice/ heat. Thanks for reaching out and hope you are successful in your treatment


Maybe Spine Universe.

The bit I know about Sacrum fusion is it is not common area to fuse. and can cause more problems. I also have problem diwn there. So have some experience from my very cautious and excellent Spine neuro surgeon and my pain doctor. I had successfully RFA, solved problem. Also be careful w stretching, would think it helps but not. I had to stop allot of exercise/ stretch so pain stayed at bay
Did you try RFA. Look up a post I made about Radio Frequency ablation. I only discussed on my Cspine but also had done on my Lumbar and Sacrum. Also for Sacrum they can to a cold version tht is suppose to be excellent, but it is not covered by many insurance companies. Look at my previous post, done last 2 weeks- tht noone responded. But you will see my response/ help to others. Always make sure u get another opinion from a suegeon not affiliated w the practice . There are many who have no clue what they are doing or do unnecessary surgery. Same goes for procedure s

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Did you have fusion? But you're saying radio frequency ablation helped your pain? I am deciding what to do I have nerve damage in my sacroiliac area, s1 l5 I think it is. I have twitching and throbbing in my calf muscles and hamstrings sometimes. I don't have pain in my back. Where are you located I would like to compare or consult doctors that don't necessarily work in my state. Thank you


Hello, I have not had a fusion on my SI Joins. I’m contemplating bi-lateral fusion and have been examined by Dr. Cross( excellent) at Mayo. My pain and discomfort are located in both SI Joint area, lower lumber , L4-L5 and occasionally the glutes. RFA has helped my pain in both SI Joints and lumbar. Results vary for each individual but should last 6-12 months or longer from what I’ve been told . Have you had an EMG done for your calf? Might give you some answers with regard to PT. Hope some of this helps

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