Big 3 didn't work for MAC; have now acquired fungal pneumonia

Posted by jeannie55 @jeannie55, Jan 20 12:20pm

Hello... this will probably be a long post!
In the spring of 2022, my PCP ordered a pulmonary function studies test because of my chronic cough. After questionable results, I was sent to a pulmonologist. Results of his testing indicated that I had alpha1, bronchiectasis, and MAC. My pulmonologist sent me to an infectious disease doctor.
I was 67 then, had always been active (tennis, long distance running) but the ID doctor recommended the Big 3. Part of his justification for prescribing them was due to my family history of heart disease. My dad died when he was 45, and I take meds for atherosclerosis.
I took the Big 3 for 18 months with many problems from heartburn.
I cannot produce a sputum sample. I had CT scans every 6 months and the MAC didn't progress; it also didn't go away.
In October 2024 a CT scan showed some additional nodules, and my ID doctor ordered a bronchoscopy. It has been determined that I still have MAC and now have aspergillus fumigatus. I have started on a potent (with a lot of side effects) antifungal. I will take it for 3 months and then repeat the CT. In the meantime, the MAC sample from the bronchoscopy is undergoing a sensitivity test to see if any other antibiotics might work.
My question (finally) - any comments, opinions, suggestions, etc.? I have had confidence in my ID doctor until fairly recently but not so sure now.
If you've read this far, Thank You!

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I haven’t had to take big three, but just want to wish you luck in figuring out the best course for you and bump it up for those who’ve dealt with it.


I have a similar history but over 6 years including the bog3+ for 40 months. I've been on voriconazole for 2 years now for aspergillus.


I took the Big 3 along (13 months) with inhaled Amikacin (8months) and my sputum samples always showed Negative and my cavity finally closed. It wasn't until they added Amikacin did the cavity actually close. During that treatment I developed a new cavity and the Bronchoscopy showed Aspergillus and Abscessus which totally shocked me. NJH started me on 6 months of Voriconazole and yes you are correct the side effects aren't great (skin rash, loss of hair, etc.) but I will finish that on February 1st. The Abscessus has been at a low colony count so they are not treating that yet. I know you can't treat both MAC and Aspergillus with all the same drugs so they need to get a better plan on what needs the most attention at this time. That is what NJH is doing for me.


Thanks so much for your reply. I am happy to hear that your treatment plan seems to be addressing your needs and that your post seems to indicate you're satisfied with your NJH doctors. Did you contact NJH immediately after your initial diagnosis or did that happen later on?
So far, I have relied on my infectious disease doctor but am beginning to question that decision. I appreciate what he's done for me, but I don't seem to be getting well. After taking the Big 3 for 18 months and the MAC still remained, he thought the meds had at least suppressed further growth. (I was hoping for it to have been gone!) I was never prescribed Amikacin though it did show up as a possible treatment during an antibiotic sensitivity test when I was first diagnosed.
I've read about the voriconazole side effects you have, but mine are different. Along with extreme fatigue and some nausea, I have light sensitivity, twinkling flashes in my eyes, and things changing colors. These "central nervous system toxicity" occurrences are apparently normal side effects and will return to normal when I quit taking the medicine. I can no longer drive at night and have driven during the day only a couple of times. I generally feel "yucky". My husband has become my chauffeur as I've tried to stay involved in activities. I have slowed down a lot.
My current plan is to take the voriconazole for the 3 months it's been prescribed and have a CT to see if anything has changed... that will be March 13. At that time, I'll make a decision about what to do next. Again, I appreciate your reply and hope for the best for you. During this journey I've learned that we must be our own advocate!


I haven’t had to take big three, but just want to wish you luck in figuring out the best course for you and bump it up for those who’ve dealt with it.

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Thanks for your support!


I have a similar history but over 6 years including the bog3+ for 40 months. I've been on voriconazole for 2 years now for aspergillus.

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Thanks for your reply. Since we sound somewhat similar with our problems, I hope you don't mind if I ask several questions.
Were you taking the Big 3 for a MAC diagnosis? After 40 months was the MAC gone? Are you having side effects from the voriconazole? Is your aspergillus getting any better? What kind of a doctor are you seeing?
Thanks very much!


Mac was later replaced with an aspergillus fungal ball located on my permanent 6x3 cavity (the cavity is lined with scar tissue). Voriconazole side effects for me are photosensitive skin (and I just moved to the beach) and "tingly toes" as one called it. I have/had multiple teams of Doctors at Uchealth, NJH, and Infirmary Health. I get another CT next month so we'll see what it shows but I have been stable for 2 years. My quality of life has been very good and improved since moving to sea level and better air quality. -Rick


Mac was later replaced with an aspergillus fungal ball located on my permanent 6x3 cavity (the cavity is lined with scar tissue). Voriconazole side effects for me are photosensitive skin (and I just moved to the beach) and "tingly toes" as one called it. I have/had multiple teams of Doctors at Uchealth, NJH, and Infirmary Health. I get another CT next month so we'll see what it shows but I have been stable for 2 years. My quality of life has been very good and improved since moving to sea level and better air quality. -Rick

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Thanks for writing back. I'm glad your quality of life has improved since you moved to the beach, but bummer you have to watch out for your skin! Hope everything remains stable after your next CT.


I had the big three for four years and it was ever so slowly getting on top of the MAC. My infectious diseases doctor was getting concerned about how long on antibiotics, he kept me on those three and gave me a fourth to nebulise that was Arikayse, it seemed to kill the MAC and nearly me after 6 weeks taking it daily. He reduced the dosage and I came down to a tolerable three days a week with the Arikayse. I have been clear for 9 mths now and am off the medication. I will be nebulising three times a week with a saline solution 6 and using a mucus clearance device as well as exercise. Time will tell how well all this has been. But after the 6 weeks of Arikayse daily I defy any MAC to survive that. I seriously was having trouble doing anything including walking. If it didn’t kill the MAC it would have killed me.


I had the big three for four years and it was ever so slowly getting on top of the MAC. My infectious diseases doctor was getting concerned about how long on antibiotics, he kept me on those three and gave me a fourth to nebulise that was Arikayse, it seemed to kill the MAC and nearly me after 6 weeks taking it daily. He reduced the dosage and I came down to a tolerable three days a week with the Arikayse. I have been clear for 9 mths now and am off the medication. I will be nebulising three times a week with a saline solution 6 and using a mucus clearance device as well as exercise. Time will tell how well all this has been. But after the 6 weeks of Arikayse daily I defy any MAC to survive that. I seriously was having trouble doing anything including walking. If it didn’t kill the MAC it would have killed me.

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Thank you for telling me about your situation... it sounds like you've had a long journey. I too hope you continue to be clear of MAC.
My infectious disease doctor is currently having tests done on samples from the bronchoscopy I had. It will determine if any other antibiotics work for my MAC since the Big 3 didn't work after taking them for 18 months. He has already said that Arikayce might be a possibility. I sometimes wonder why he didn't prescribe it when my tests kept coming back positive during the 18 months on the Big 3. It sounds like you had a really bad time taking it!
Since I'm still taking voriconazole to kill the fungus infection I have, my doctor says he can't start treating the MAC again until the fungus infection is gone. I will keep your experience in mind if and when Arikayce is recommended.

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