Suspicious area Bi-rad 2 or 3: Do I advocate for a biopsy or wait?
i a new to this group so pardon me if i am not in the proper forum ! i am so confused by the random assortment of tests i have had an ZERO real answers. i have decided im going to have to be my own advocate. 6 months ago i went to the doctor complaining of a strange feeling in my left breast ..she ordered a diagnostic mammogram which came back with Bi-Rad 2 (which i only found out reading my own report) worries in her part no follow up despite my nagging feeling .. Last week I went for my annual mammogram ,got a call back for a suspicious area on the same left side of my breast ..another mammogram ,ultra sound and then mri ...still pretty inconclusive but now graded a Bi-Rd 3 i have the right to push for a biopsy /have it taken out ? i have a gut feeling ..and waiting 6 more months to "watch " seems like bs to me . should i bother going to a bigger breast center rather than all these random doctors in my home town ?Bi-Rad 3 can be cancer correct ? i am of course grateful my lymph nodes are clear but does this mean that im all good ? i am meeting with a surgeon monday ...womdering hat i can say to advocate for myself .the wait and see game doesnt sound great consdering the change in 6 months . thank you or your insight
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I am new to this group ,I had my first screening Mano,I received a call to come back for mor imaging..they found a group of calcifications in only the left breast..they diagnosed me a BI-RADS 3 ..6 month follow up report says no significant change so stable but still a birads 3 ..with a follow up in one question is I’m concerned to wait that long for a follow up when there has been ovarian cancer in my family and the lesion they found is only in one breast,not sure if I’m over reacting..any suggestions?
Bi rads 3 is an intermediate range, meaning it is probably benign but should be watched until it resolves or changes. I would try to have an open discussion with my provider about this and seek any clarification possible, rather than making myself crazy about it. I tend to get really nervous about “wait and see”.
Do you have any extenuating situations like genetic issues or family history that would make you a more likely candidate for breast cancer?