Concerned: I'm beginning to suspect I have pancreatic cancer

I have an appointment with the GI specialist in a couple of weeks, and I sent a message to my GP to ask if there are any blood tests I could do in the meantime. I feel a sense of urgency and anxiety and feel that time is of the essence. But I also know that I am not going to get any guaranteed answers either way until I hear back.

Waiting for Monday for a response from my GP seems like such a long time to wait. I feel like I’m bursting at the seems with anticipation. I don’t want to tell any friends or family because I don’t want them to worry for nothing if it’s not actually cancer, I want to give them the truth when I have it. From my research it looks like there is not a lot of home remedies for symptom relief or anything for pancreatic cancer if that is indeed what it is. Waiting for an appointment with the GI specialist in two weeks seems like it will take forever. I’ll be starting classes for school soon and the abdominal pain is getting worse to the point that I’m afraid it will affect my ability to study and pay attention in class. It has been affecting my quality of life for years and slowly but surely sabotaging me from behind the scenes. I don’t want it to interfere with being able to work at a job or study for class and yet here we are.

I posted my symptoms in detail in another discussion board for Digestive Health (“Mystery abdominal pain”). But the main symptoms are frequent if not constant stomach pain that gets worse after I eat even after seriously modifying my diet to eat the most nutritionally dense and least aggravating foods, bloating and nausea. What works doesn’t usually work long or consistently. Tried a number of meds and supplements, most of which made the pain worse. Extremely sensitive and tender central upper abdomen. I can’t lay on my side too directly, never on my stomach, sometimes even the way I sit in a chair makes it uncomfortable. I’ve seen specialists and dieticians and my progress has plateaued and the pain is much the same, maybe a little worse. I’ve had the stomach pain for about 8 years, but it has gotten noticeably worse with more symptoms in the last 3. I feel like I’m losing my mind a little bit. I want answers but I know I have to wait.

Any recommendations? I feel like deep down in my gut I know it’s cancer but I’m going to feel like a massive fool if I find out within the next few weeks that it’s not.

If it is cancer I feel like I will have to reorder a lot of priorities in my life and get started on healing using every tool I have available to me. But I can’t know until I get the results.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


Hi all,

I thought I'd turn here for some feedback and support, as I'm terrified that I have PC. To give some background: I am 35 years old, the mother to a beautiful little girl who will be turning 5 in a month. About a year ago, in Dec. 2020, I started to notice that I was losing weight, and that I'd begun belching literally 50 times a day. The belching has continued and doesn't seem to be affected by what or how much I eat; I burp even after taking a sip of water. I ended up getting an endoscopy in May of 2021, which showed some mild stomach inflammation but nothing else, and my GI doctor was convinced that I had no serious concerns thereafter . My weight had stabilized even before my endoscopy, so I wasn't too concerned at that point either.

Fast forward to now. I continue to belch constantly. Even more concerning is the fact that I've lost 20+ lbs. in the last couple of months, and that my weight continues to decrease daily. My appetite has started to decrease, but I've been maintaining my calorie intake. It doesn't seem to make a difference, though--my weight just continues to decline; it's the lowest it's been in over 10 years. I also have loose, pale stools that often float. I've been back in touch with my GI, who has run some labs, which indicate that my direct and indirect bilirubin levels are elevated, that my WBC and neutrophil levels are high, and that my vitamin D level is still low, despite the fact that I've been taking vitamin D daily for the last year or so. It's a more subjective measure, but I can actually see the skeletal muscles in my legs being depleted; I have dimpling in and around my knees that are visible when I'm in a squatting position. I also have dimples in my pelvic area, where it's apparent that my fat stores are totally depleted.

A recent abdominal ultrasound showed no concerns. A contrast CT at the ER last week showed two cysts on my liver but nothing else. At that same ER visit, though, my ketone levels in my urine were off-the-charts high. I read online that this can indicate that one's body is in a state of starvation, and using up all of the glucose it gets and then turning to fat stores for further energy. My understanding of cancer is that it's fueled by glucose, so this is very scary to me.

All of these factors, taken in combination, have left me terrified that I'm suffering from pancreatic cancer and that, moreover, I'm in a state of cancer cachexia. My energy level has declined and my muscles feel easily fatigued. I'm currently awaiting the results of a stool elastase test, and if the levels are abnormal, I will be absolutely convinced that I have PC. My GI has agreed to do a repeat endoscopy, but it's not until April 7, and thus far he's told me I don't need an endoscopic ultrasound to examine my pancreas. Of course, that may change depending upon the results of the elastase test. At this point, I'm so scared and desperate that I'm thinking of reaching out to Roswell Park Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion.

If anyone has any feedback or support to offer, it would be much appreciated. My PCP has been brushing off my concerns, and I'm feeling pretty lost at this point. I'm terrified and extremely saddened at the prospect of potentially having to say goodbye to my beautiful baby girl, and it breaks my heart.

Thank you

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I have an endoscopic ultrasound at Roswell on Monday. It sounds like I will get some initial results right after the procedure, and info on next steps. But even if the doctor thinks I have cancer I likely won’t be admitted to the hospital, according to the nurse. Because “2 weeks doesn’t make much of a difference” in terms of treatment. I just don't get that part; if I’m on death’s doorstep, 2 weeks does make a difference.


Keeping you in my prayers. I am following you.

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Thank you 💕


So Roswell ordered a tumor marker test via blood work, also testing for lymphoma. Then from there a chest CT and/or endoscopic ultrasound, how quickly will depend on the results of the tumor marker test. I should get the blood work results later today.

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Keeping you in my prayers. I am following you.


Hi all,

I thought I'd turn here for some feedback and support, as I'm terrified that I have PC. To give some background: I am 35 years old, the mother to a beautiful little girl who will be turning 5 in a month. About a year ago, in Dec. 2020, I started to notice that I was losing weight, and that I'd begun belching literally 50 times a day. The belching has continued and doesn't seem to be affected by what or how much I eat; I burp even after taking a sip of water. I ended up getting an endoscopy in May of 2021, which showed some mild stomach inflammation but nothing else, and my GI doctor was convinced that I had no serious concerns thereafter . My weight had stabilized even before my endoscopy, so I wasn't too concerned at that point either.

Fast forward to now. I continue to belch constantly. Even more concerning is the fact that I've lost 20+ lbs. in the last couple of months, and that my weight continues to decrease daily. My appetite has started to decrease, but I've been maintaining my calorie intake. It doesn't seem to make a difference, though--my weight just continues to decline; it's the lowest it's been in over 10 years. I also have loose, pale stools that often float. I've been back in touch with my GI, who has run some labs, which indicate that my direct and indirect bilirubin levels are elevated, that my WBC and neutrophil levels are high, and that my vitamin D level is still low, despite the fact that I've been taking vitamin D daily for the last year or so. It's a more subjective measure, but I can actually see the skeletal muscles in my legs being depleted; I have dimpling in and around my knees that are visible when I'm in a squatting position. I also have dimples in my pelvic area, where it's apparent that my fat stores are totally depleted.

A recent abdominal ultrasound showed no concerns. A contrast CT at the ER last week showed two cysts on my liver but nothing else. At that same ER visit, though, my ketone levels in my urine were off-the-charts high. I read online that this can indicate that one's body is in a state of starvation, and using up all of the glucose it gets and then turning to fat stores for further energy. My understanding of cancer is that it's fueled by glucose, so this is very scary to me.

All of these factors, taken in combination, have left me terrified that I'm suffering from pancreatic cancer and that, moreover, I'm in a state of cancer cachexia. My energy level has declined and my muscles feel easily fatigued. I'm currently awaiting the results of a stool elastase test, and if the levels are abnormal, I will be absolutely convinced that I have PC. My GI has agreed to do a repeat endoscopy, but it's not until April 7, and thus far he's told me I don't need an endoscopic ultrasound to examine my pancreas. Of course, that may change depending upon the results of the elastase test. At this point, I'm so scared and desperate that I'm thinking of reaching out to Roswell Park Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion.

If anyone has any feedback or support to offer, it would be much appreciated. My PCP has been brushing off my concerns, and I'm feeling pretty lost at this point. I'm terrified and extremely saddened at the prospect of potentially having to say goodbye to my beautiful baby girl, and it breaks my heart.

Thank you

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The tumor maker tests came back normal. Now I’m waiting for an advanced endoscopist at Roswell to review my records and decide what he wants to do.


So Roswell ordered a tumor marker test via blood work, also testing for lymphoma. Then from there a chest CT and/or endoscopic ultrasound, how quickly will depend on the results of the tumor marker test. I should get the blood work results later today.

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Great, keeping up with you. Let us know as the results come.


Hi all,

I thought I'd turn here for some feedback and support, as I'm terrified that I have PC. To give some background: I am 35 years old, the mother to a beautiful little girl who will be turning 5 in a month. About a year ago, in Dec. 2020, I started to notice that I was losing weight, and that I'd begun belching literally 50 times a day. The belching has continued and doesn't seem to be affected by what or how much I eat; I burp even after taking a sip of water. I ended up getting an endoscopy in May of 2021, which showed some mild stomach inflammation but nothing else, and my GI doctor was convinced that I had no serious concerns thereafter . My weight had stabilized even before my endoscopy, so I wasn't too concerned at that point either.

Fast forward to now. I continue to belch constantly. Even more concerning is the fact that I've lost 20+ lbs. in the last couple of months, and that my weight continues to decrease daily. My appetite has started to decrease, but I've been maintaining my calorie intake. It doesn't seem to make a difference, though--my weight just continues to decline; it's the lowest it's been in over 10 years. I also have loose, pale stools that often float. I've been back in touch with my GI, who has run some labs, which indicate that my direct and indirect bilirubin levels are elevated, that my WBC and neutrophil levels are high, and that my vitamin D level is still low, despite the fact that I've been taking vitamin D daily for the last year or so. It's a more subjective measure, but I can actually see the skeletal muscles in my legs being depleted; I have dimpling in and around my knees that are visible when I'm in a squatting position. I also have dimples in my pelvic area, where it's apparent that my fat stores are totally depleted.

A recent abdominal ultrasound showed no concerns. A contrast CT at the ER last week showed two cysts on my liver but nothing else. At that same ER visit, though, my ketone levels in my urine were off-the-charts high. I read online that this can indicate that one's body is in a state of starvation, and using up all of the glucose it gets and then turning to fat stores for further energy. My understanding of cancer is that it's fueled by glucose, so this is very scary to me.

All of these factors, taken in combination, have left me terrified that I'm suffering from pancreatic cancer and that, moreover, I'm in a state of cancer cachexia. My energy level has declined and my muscles feel easily fatigued. I'm currently awaiting the results of a stool elastase test, and if the levels are abnormal, I will be absolutely convinced that I have PC. My GI has agreed to do a repeat endoscopy, but it's not until April 7, and thus far he's told me I don't need an endoscopic ultrasound to examine my pancreas. Of course, that may change depending upon the results of the elastase test. At this point, I'm so scared and desperate that I'm thinking of reaching out to Roswell Park Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion.

If anyone has any feedback or support to offer, it would be much appreciated. My PCP has been brushing off my concerns, and I'm feeling pretty lost at this point. I'm terrified and extremely saddened at the prospect of potentially having to say goodbye to my beautiful baby girl, and it breaks my heart.

Thank you

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So Roswell ordered a tumor marker test via blood work, also testing for lymphoma. Then from there a chest CT and/or endoscopic ultrasound, how quickly will depend on the results of the tumor marker test. I should get the blood work results later today.


My wife's EUS 's were outpatient both times. That's normally how it's done.

Good luck.

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Oh I see. But you said it was only 72 hours between her seeing her GI and getting her diagnosis, right? It’s not so much the outpatient part I take issue with, it’s the fact that he said it wouldn’t be for another couple of weeks. Meanwhile my body is falling apart. I pray that they’ll do everything ASAP at Roswell tomorrow, because it’s already been a month of me expressing ample concern to my doctors.


My elastase test came back at a level of 59, indicating severe pancreatic insufficiency. At this point I’m convinced that I have pancreatic cancer; I have absolutely no appetite. I was able to move my appointment with Roswell to tomorrow morning; I pray that they will admit me and do all necessary tests immediately. My GI is still dismissing my concerns, telling me that I need an endoscopic ultrasound, but only on an outpatient basis.

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My wife's EUS 's were outpatient both times. That's normally how it's done.

Good luck.


Hi all,

I thought I'd turn here for some feedback and support, as I'm terrified that I have PC. To give some background: I am 35 years old, the mother to a beautiful little girl who will be turning 5 in a month. About a year ago, in Dec. 2020, I started to notice that I was losing weight, and that I'd begun belching literally 50 times a day. The belching has continued and doesn't seem to be affected by what or how much I eat; I burp even after taking a sip of water. I ended up getting an endoscopy in May of 2021, which showed some mild stomach inflammation but nothing else, and my GI doctor was convinced that I had no serious concerns thereafter . My weight had stabilized even before my endoscopy, so I wasn't too concerned at that point either.

Fast forward to now. I continue to belch constantly. Even more concerning is the fact that I've lost 20+ lbs. in the last couple of months, and that my weight continues to decrease daily. My appetite has started to decrease, but I've been maintaining my calorie intake. It doesn't seem to make a difference, though--my weight just continues to decline; it's the lowest it's been in over 10 years. I also have loose, pale stools that often float. I've been back in touch with my GI, who has run some labs, which indicate that my direct and indirect bilirubin levels are elevated, that my WBC and neutrophil levels are high, and that my vitamin D level is still low, despite the fact that I've been taking vitamin D daily for the last year or so. It's a more subjective measure, but I can actually see the skeletal muscles in my legs being depleted; I have dimpling in and around my knees that are visible when I'm in a squatting position. I also have dimples in my pelvic area, where it's apparent that my fat stores are totally depleted.

A recent abdominal ultrasound showed no concerns. A contrast CT at the ER last week showed two cysts on my liver but nothing else. At that same ER visit, though, my ketone levels in my urine were off-the-charts high. I read online that this can indicate that one's body is in a state of starvation, and using up all of the glucose it gets and then turning to fat stores for further energy. My understanding of cancer is that it's fueled by glucose, so this is very scary to me.

All of these factors, taken in combination, have left me terrified that I'm suffering from pancreatic cancer and that, moreover, I'm in a state of cancer cachexia. My energy level has declined and my muscles feel easily fatigued. I'm currently awaiting the results of a stool elastase test, and if the levels are abnormal, I will be absolutely convinced that I have PC. My GI has agreed to do a repeat endoscopy, but it's not until April 7, and thus far he's told me I don't need an endoscopic ultrasound to examine my pancreas. Of course, that may change depending upon the results of the elastase test. At this point, I'm so scared and desperate that I'm thinking of reaching out to Roswell Park Cancer Center for a 2nd opinion.

If anyone has any feedback or support to offer, it would be much appreciated. My PCP has been brushing off my concerns, and I'm feeling pretty lost at this point. I'm terrified and extremely saddened at the prospect of potentially having to say goodbye to my beautiful baby girl, and it breaks my heart.

Thank you

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My elastase test came back at a level of 59, indicating severe pancreatic insufficiency. At this point I’m convinced that I have pancreatic cancer; I have absolutely no appetite. I was able to move my appointment with Roswell to tomorrow morning; I pray that they will admit me and do all necessary tests immediately. My GI is still dismissing my concerns, telling me that I need an endoscopic ultrasound, but only on an outpatient basis.

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