Barrett’s esophagus-friendly diet

Posted by riflemanz64 @riflemanz64, Aug 5, 2019

Let's put together a Barrett's esophagus friendly diet we could download or print off this site. It sure would be nice! Thanks

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Hello, So nice to have a place to talk to people that know what you are going through with BE. I had gastritis for 4 years. And then I got a EGD and the gastritis was supposedly gone and know diagnosed with BE in Feb of 2023. I wasn't surprised because I have a few other symptoms. Horse voice, nausea, pain in mid chest, and also some shallow breathing. I was on PPI medicine on and off for the Gastritis for 4 years. But since diagnosed with Be I have to be on PPI everyday . Which since I have one kidney it is affecting my GFR of my kidney testing. This medicine taken all the time will lower the stage of chronic kidney disease. And I did get tested after being on a PPI for 2 months. Because of my situation with one kidney, I have chosen to stop PPI medication and take H2 Blockers instead, along with Rolaids and plain Ginger Lozenges (for nausea). Health food stores usually have these. Avoid the ones that have lemon in it. 5 years ago I use to weigh 162 lbs. Now down to 119lbs. Mainly because a Gastritis diet and a Be diet is very healthy but does make you lose weight. I am looking for some thinks to eat that will help me not loss any more weight. I eat the good fats which are avocado's & sliver almonds and does not but does not help you gain weight. I need to know if anyone has any idea's to throw my way. I started drinking vanilla milkshakes and I buy fat free vanilla Kemp frozen yogurt. Thanks for your time and I am so happy to be a part of this support group. Because I do understand how you are feeling trying to deal with BE. It can be scary when the C word is thrown into the picture. Take Care !


@riflemanz64 here's the link to the IC Network with info on their food list

Here's the link to their ICN Food List that you can print out (this is the one I use)

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Looked at the list, diet is for bladder, not esophagus? Thanks.


Hello, So nice to have a place to talk to people that know what you are going through with BE. I had gastritis for 4 years. And then I got a EGD and the gastritis was supposedly gone and know diagnosed with BE in Feb of 2023. I wasn't surprised because I have a few other symptoms. Horse voice, nausea, pain in mid chest, and also some shallow breathing. I was on PPI medicine on and off for the Gastritis for 4 years. But since diagnosed with Be I have to be on PPI everyday . Which since I have one kidney it is affecting my GFR of my kidney testing. This medicine taken all the time will lower the stage of chronic kidney disease. And I did get tested after being on a PPI for 2 months. Because of my situation with one kidney, I have chosen to stop PPI medication and take H2 Blockers instead, along with Rolaids and plain Ginger Lozenges (for nausea). Health food stores usually have these. Avoid the ones that have lemon in it. 5 years ago I use to weigh 162 lbs. Now down to 119lbs. Mainly because a Gastritis diet and a Be diet is very healthy but does make you lose weight. I am looking for some thinks to eat that will help me not loss any more weight. I eat the good fats which are avocado's & sliver almonds and does not but does not help you gain weight. I need to know if anyone has any idea's to throw my way. I started drinking vanilla milkshakes and I buy fat free vanilla Kemp frozen yogurt. Thanks for your time and I am so happy to be a part of this support group. Because I do understand how you are feeling trying to deal with BE. It can be scary when the C word is thrown into the picture. Take Care !

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Try organic Rice/vanilla protein powder. I mix it with warm water and avocado and bananas. I can't eat pea or any other protein powders due to getting bloated. I also eat two bananas everyday.


Try organic Rice/vanilla protein powder. I mix it with warm water and avocado and bananas. I can't eat pea or any other protein powders due to getting bloated. I also eat two bananas everyday.

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Thank so much for reading and responding to my question about what to eat to help not loss more weight. Is there a place you buy the protein powder you drink? I live in Reading Pa. I guess I would have to buy it on line??? I had to stop eating the avocado because it is high with Nickel. And I was wondering why my Eczema was coming back again on different area's of my body. Then I came across a old list of food not to eat because of the allergy to Nickel. And it was on the list, along with cantaloupe and honey dew. So that was disappointing. So I will continue with the banana's and strawberries, apple's ( Fugi is the sweetest apple with the least acid). You made my day. Thank you it's wonderful to talk to other people that can help pass on there ideas to help with the diet BE diet. I really appreciate you taking the time to touch base with me. My name is Anita. I believe you name is Jojo?? I am really not a computer expert so trying to get use ot this site is all new to me. Hope you are doing well........


Thank so much for reading and responding to my question about what to eat to help not loss more weight. Is there a place you buy the protein powder you drink? I live in Reading Pa. I guess I would have to buy it on line??? I had to stop eating the avocado because it is high with Nickel. And I was wondering why my Eczema was coming back again on different area's of my body. Then I came across a old list of food not to eat because of the allergy to Nickel. And it was on the list, along with cantaloupe and honey dew. So that was disappointing. So I will continue with the banana's and strawberries, apple's ( Fugi is the sweetest apple with the least acid). You made my day. Thank you it's wonderful to talk to other people that can help pass on there ideas to help with the diet BE diet. I really appreciate you taking the time to touch base with me. My name is Anita. I believe you name is Jojo?? I am really not a computer expert so trying to get use ot this site is all new to me. Hope you are doing well........

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I purchase that from a local store. Maybe you can buy it on line from Amazon It is called Nutribiotic Organic Rice Protein Powder Vanilla. It is vegan and Gluten Free. Nowadays all products have a Warning on them. You can also search They have a product called Peptide 1.0 Plain. It is made of hydrolyzed pea protein for people who get easily bloated. You need a doctor's prescription.


@riflemanz64 I have been diagnosed with both BE as well as IC (interstitial cystitis), so I have been on a No/Low acid diet restriction for almost 2 years now. I use the diet restrictions list off of the IC Network, which, like someone else mentioned before, is there as a guideline since everyone is different. Some items that is on the list to avoid is fine for me if I have a very small amount and/or don't consume it every day, while other's on their "safe" or "maybe" categories seem to bother me a little. Ultimately, I have found that for the most part, their exhausted list that you can download for free is pretty accurate for me. When you first start, though, I found that it's best to eliminate everything they say to avoid for at least 2-3 weeks, and then slowly start adding food items, one at a time, back into your diet, that are either on their "maybe" category, or that you just want to try (remember, though, only small amounts of these; AND, the longer you are off of something, the harder it is when you re-introduce it back into your diet, for your body to accept/digest it). Also, I found it extremely helpful to prevent acid reflux (as well as for much better digestion) to SLOW DOWN when eating and drinking, as well as taking SMALLER bites. Chew every bite slowly. If you can, time yourself, and try dividing your meal in half, eating the first half over the course of 10 minutes - drinking in between bites, putting your fork/spoon down in between bites, or food down if eating something you hold. When that first 10 minutes is done, take a 3-5 min break from eating, and afterwards, eat the remaining half of your meal in the same slow manner as you ate the first half. One last thing I also found helpful when training myself to eat this way was to eat smaller portions; to help with that, I serve myself on a smaller plate, like a side/salad plate. All of these habits have honestly been such a game changer for me; I hope they can help you, too! Again, the free printable exhausted list is found at

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I just joined this blog and your message went off like church bells in my brain. My daughter has IC, she can’t have anything sour, tomatoes, coffee etc it is so very similar to our BE diet, thank you for making that connection for me.


My father died from esophageal cancer over 30 years ago; there was no treatment then. He never smoked but I know he was exposed to DDT at his job in the city forestry ( they sprayed elm trees with it). My husband was diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus about 30 years ago and he has GERD. He gets an endoscopy every 3 years, and is one Rx which must help. Supposed to watch his diet ( he loves carbonated unsweetened water which I don’t think helps. He eats too fast but never listens to my advice. Diet changes have helped too


Carbonated beverages are bad for gerd and BE patients. Plain or alkaline water are better! Unsweetened almond milk is good too.

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