autonomic neuropathy
Our oncologist is wondering if my husband's dizziness when standing can be autonomic neuropathy. His neuropathy in feet/up towards knees and fingers has gotten pretty severe. And between that and the dizziness he is having trouble getting up and walking without needing to sit almost immediately. For some reason sitting in the car for the 1.5 hours to go to town causes the worst dizziness so getting into the doctor's office, or in to the infusion room requires some care. Same happens when we drive home. His blood pressure is pretty normal when sitting, but standing makes it drop 20 or 30 points. Anyway, I had never heard of autonomic neuropathy before and wondered if anyone else had oncologists mention it.
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Dup post.
I have had autonomic neuropathy for many years. I have slow stomach emptying from it and balance issues. The PT guy I went to explained that there are receptors in our legs that assist us in knowing where we are in space. That is how we automatically balance when standing and moving around. With neuropathy these receptors are damaged. I need my eyes to see my surroundings to be able to get around. Or be able to hang on to something.
You might want to check into some physical therapy. It might not be an option at this time though. As far as car rides go maybe just recline back and close his eyes. Or try a blindfold. When I get a really bad vertigo attack, I have to lay down and keep my eyes closed. After a number of hours it will start to improve. The motion of the car moving will make it more difficult. I also carry motion sickness meds with me. I have not had a really bad case to try them out though.
Wishing only good things for you and everyone dealing with cancer.
Thank you for your knowledge and suggestions! Dan has had the numbness from neuropathy getting worse, but we had never heard of autonomic neuropathy until this past week. His oncologist is suggesting a short break from chemo to see if that helps his various side effects. Balance is definitely one... between the dizziness and numbness in his feet/legs... it is difficult for him to walk. So far he has resisted using the walker I bought, but I think the day is coming .... hopefully before he falls and hurts himself. Thanks.