Autoimmune Diagnosis after Iron Infusion?

Posted by j77 @j77, Dec 19, 2023

I had a one time 1020 mg Iron Infusion after being diagnosed with anemia after 3 years of severe periods.I had a reaction days later and have never been the same.The day I had the reaction it was hot and I had been exercising in the heat the day before.Months after the reaction I ended up losing strength/sensation in the trunk of my body and can barely walk now.At the beginning of my illness I could hardly swallow and had to live off of ensure for months,trouble concentrating where I would have to walk away, dizzy after eating and my breathing was not natural where I feel like it would pause at times.Hair on my head was coming out too.My hair basically ended up fusing together where I had to cut it short.I had long straight hair and it changed into a frizzy texture.Someone that I know that had cancer compared my hair to their hair after they had chemo.It has barely grown since cutting it last year and it does not grow down,but outward.Some of my other symptoms are trouble swallowing,difficulty getting up from a seated position,extreme constipation,not feeling food going down in my belly or signals that I am full,head feels like a bobble head because of loss of strength,severely dry eyes that feel like they are being pushed out of my head and extremely sensitive to sunlight.My smiling,laughing,chewing and swallowing feel like they are in slow motion from lack of strength in my facial muscles.Originally I could not cough,sneeze or yawn.These sensations are slowly coming back,but they are not as productive because of the lack of strength in the trunk of my body.From the research I have done it seems like the vagus nerve controls many of these functions.We have alot of Family members on both sides of the Family with Lupus.I have had several positive ANA's with 1.80 speckled titer,but the rheumatologists I have met with told me it is not Lupus.I have met with Neurologists,Rhuematologists,Endricinologists,GI Doctors,etc.They have not found much of anything.High Epstein barr titers,tiny things with my neck and spine and a couple vitamins were on the lower side.I got tested for long covid and lymes and both came back negative.I have had an emg and muscle biopsy,Brain MRI and nothing.They could never figure out what was causing my heavy periods for those few years,but my periods completely stopped after the iron infusion.During the time I had the heavy periods I had so much pressure in my belly and pelvis.I felt like I had to keep on moving constantly to relieve the pressure.I was diagnosed with Thyroid disease in my 20's and synthroid is the only medication I have taken.
Does anyone have any ideas on what this could be?The specialists have no idea what is causing my symptoms because all of the tests they have run are pretty much normal.

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