Atorvastatin and Liver Disease

Posted by mctib @mctib, Mar 12, 2024

My husband has autoimmune hepatitis and has had 2 esophogeal bleeds resulting in the TIPS procedure. Evidently, even though he's otherwise in great health, he's too old at 74 for a transplant (according to his doctor in Madison, WI). He takes atorvastatin and there are warnings from the pharmacy about liver damage as well as warnings on other websites. His doctor says it's safe for him. I'd like a 2nd opinion. Thank you.

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@mctib. Good morning and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I’m so glad you found us. The esophageal bleeds must have been really difficult for both of you. What reason has the doctor given for atorvastatin? They might feel that the benefits outweigh the risks. Can you ask?
I will ask our “most knowledgeable” mentor @johnbishop if he has any list of those talking about atorvastatin.
And we can wait for other members to chime in


Hello @mctib, I would like to add my welcome along with @becsbuddy and others. I think it is wise to seek a second opinion. I agree with Becky that I would want to ask your husband's doctor why they think Atorvastatin is safe and maybe bring the research you found into the discussion with the doctor. I did a search of Connect and there are a few discussions where members have posted about the topic that might be helpful to read through the posts. Here is a link to the discussions and comments found on the topic (including this one) -

If the Atorvastatin is being used to lower cholesterol, you might also find the following discussions and comments helpful -


Hello @mctib, I would like to add my welcome along with @becsbuddy and others. I think it is wise to seek a second opinion. I agree with Becky that I would want to ask your husband's doctor why they think Atorvastatin is safe and maybe bring the research you found into the discussion with the doctor. I did a search of Connect and there are a few discussions where members have posted about the topic that might be helpful to read through the posts. Here is a link to the discussions and comments found on the topic (including this one) -

If the Atorvastatin is being used to lower cholesterol, you might also find the following discussions and comments helpful -

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Thank you so much. When we talk to the doctors, these will be very helpful. Just for context, he's been on atorvastatin for 8 years (to treat high cholesterol) with no evidence of liver issues at that time. Four years ago he was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis. He's done everything the doctors suggested to keep it under control. Two years ago cirrhosis was discovered and the first bleed was in December. I'm probably "grasping at straws," but it's all I can think of.
Again, thank you.


It is worth discussing with your liver specialist. There are reports in the medical literature detailing cases of autoimmune liver disease caused
by Atorvastatin. Your concerns are justified. Have your doctor search
the medical literature on a peer reviewed source like PubMed.


Thank you. I'm finding many articles in PubMed that will be helpful.

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