Are there any male breast cancer survivors that take Lupron?

Posted by ronaldj @ronaldj, Mar 19, 2023

Are there any male breast cancer survivors that are taking Lupron? I had surgery and chemo eight years ago and have been on letrozole since then. ( stage 2) It has now been suggested that I also take Lupron . I have no reoccurring symptoms. Are there any comments or anyone with experience with this? Thanks

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I have the CHEK2 gene which, in men, causes prostate, breast, thyroid and colon cancer. In 2018, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer well contained in the capsule, and I had 20 proton radiation treatments but was never required to take Lupron. My radiation oncologist explained that some men took it before and during radiation. I had a free pass. On 4/21, I had a mastectomy and 6 lymph nodes removed (3 positive) and 16 proton radiation treatments. I take 20 mg of tamoxifen each day, but neither my MN Mayo Clinic breast nor proton radiation oncologist ever recommended Lupron. I know that this med decreases the manufacture of testosterone. I am doing ok after adjusting to tamoxifen. I would really like to know why your doc recommended Lupron. Does he/she suspect prostate cancer??? Lupron causes hot flashes and night sweats!
Good luck and hope all goes well for you.

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