Apparatus for Neuropathy

Posted by Rachel, Volunteer Mentor @rwinney, Jan 4, 2020

Staying on track with my new year mentality, I succumbed to a motorized cart for the firat time today in Target. Instead of being reclusive and housebound, I gave myself an opportunity by using a cart. My thought and question for you all is...considering my slow dragged out progression down hill, I'm left wondering when and how will it stop? Do any of you with SFPN use apparatus for walking due to your neuropathy? Has anyone ended up being wheel chair bound from neuropathy or the reversal, had their legs come back from such damage? Thank you for anything you are willing to share.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Thanks. I admit I was feeling a little lonely and I’m starting a Panic attack. Trying to breathe.

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@bustrbrwn22 This is disconcerting to hear. I know you do get these but I am really sorry one is happening now. I think you said before that you get them often in the morning for a few hours? That must be sheer torture, notto mention the stress it's causing your body from all of that anxiety. What steps do you take when they happen?

I want to tell you about something that Linda and I have known about and used since the late 1970's. It is truly an amazing product. It is called Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy. It was developed by a Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's. It is meant to be taken for panic attacks. It is just the essence of flowers, no side effects of any kind, totally natural, preserved in alcohol. We both swear by this stuff. You put a few drops under your tongue. It goes to work usually in 5-10 minutes or so. It's very subtle but it will calm most people down. Best, Hank

Here's the Amazon link and you can find their history with wikipedia as well:


Life becomes difficult and complicated when retirement comes earlier than planned. I managed to hang on until I was 55, still too early. I was fortunate to be approved for Social Security disability the first time I applied. I had a very small amount of money in savings and IRAs, certainly not what the financial advisors recommend in the AARP magazine. The only way we survive is that we own our home with no mortgage, and have no debt. SNAP has made a big difference, along with energy assistance. The Seniors with Disabilities program has been a help to us in finding resources, and our area hospitals, which are all connected, have provided other resources. Important to me is the mental health department, where I can see a therapist at no cost to me, because they accept Medicare.

Because of our income level, our Medicare premiums are covered by the state, and our medications are subsidized so the most we pay for a prescription is $3.60. Our biggest health cost challenge is the annual deductible - unfortunately, we usually pay that in the first month or two of the year.

Prescriptions can be a nightmare. I've been in an Rx mess for 5 months, and I'm hoping it's finally been resolved. It's been about getting prior authorization approval for my morphine. It's a good thing that I haven't been taking the full dose for a long time. If I had, I'd have run out several months ago. As it is, I'm cutting it pretty close because between the doctor and the pharmacy, I'm already 10 days past due for my next refill.

With all of the financial assistance resources available, there are some positive aspects of being old - I turned 70 last month.

It's way past my bedtime. I hope your Rx problem is resolved soon. Keep being the squeaky wheel.


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Great info and a very happy, belated birthday Jim! You're such a huge blessing to all of us!! Thank you so much for your patience, time and efforts you bestow upon us!! Don't forget we're here for you too!

With heart felt gratitude, Sunnyflower


@bustrbrwn22 This is disconcerting to hear. I know you do get these but I am really sorry one is happening now. I think you said before that you get them often in the morning for a few hours? That must be sheer torture, notto mention the stress it's causing your body from all of that anxiety. What steps do you take when they happen?

I want to tell you about something that Linda and I have known about and used since the late 1970's. It is truly an amazing product. It is called Bach Flowers Rescue Remedy. It was developed by a Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930's. It is meant to be taken for panic attacks. It is just the essence of flowers, no side effects of any kind, totally natural, preserved in alcohol. We both swear by this stuff. You put a few drops under your tongue. It goes to work usually in 5-10 minutes or so. It's very subtle but it will calm most people down. Best, Hank

Here's the Amazon link and you can find their history with wikipedia as well:

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This sounds too good to be true. Last year from about Jan through July my anxiety took total control. I had panic attacks daily from about 8 am until noonish and then 2 pm until 7 ish. Over many years I had tried every antidepressant yada yada yada until I found someone willing to prescribe benzo’s. It was this time I was also diagnosed with lichen planus as the sores spread from my scalp to my toes. I never left that couch for almost 8 months. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the whole story. A sad diatribe of the health care system just wanting to get as much money as possible from you by making you inpatient so they can “really monitor your meds” - the option is to wait 6 months or more to see a psychiatrist and they probably won’t prescribe a benzo anyway. I take them as I need them which oddly isn’t every day. Deep breathing light yoga and now Kratom are tools in the belt. I am going to order this pronto and give you feedback. Thanks for thinking of me. I’m so used to it happening I forget to hide it so I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable talking about something so personal. Say “hi” to my husband Tim and I say “hi” to Linda!!


This sounds too good to be true. Last year from about Jan through July my anxiety took total control. I had panic attacks daily from about 8 am until noonish and then 2 pm until 7 ish. Over many years I had tried every antidepressant yada yada yada until I found someone willing to prescribe benzo’s. It was this time I was also diagnosed with lichen planus as the sores spread from my scalp to my toes. I never left that couch for almost 8 months. You wouldn’t believe me if I told you the whole story. A sad diatribe of the health care system just wanting to get as much money as possible from you by making you inpatient so they can “really monitor your meds” - the option is to wait 6 months or more to see a psychiatrist and they probably won’t prescribe a benzo anyway. I take them as I need them which oddly isn’t every day. Deep breathing light yoga and now Kratom are tools in the belt. I am going to order this pronto and give you feedback. Thanks for thinking of me. I’m so used to it happening I forget to hide it so I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable talking about something so personal. Say “hi” to my husband Tim and I say “hi” to Linda!!

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There is also a recent product (not one of the original Bach Flower remedies, and Dr. Bach is long dead), but it does work pretty well for sleep called Rescue Sleep. You probably don't need it since the magnesium has been doing so well for you, but it's there if you are interested. Also on Amazon. Linda has used it and likes it. Hi to Tim BTW. Hank

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