Anyone with Anti-Mag tried Rituximab treatment

Posted by jeffls @jeffls, May 26, 2023

I was diagnosed with Anti-Mag peripheral neuropathy 3 years ago. So far I have in my feet tingling, pins and neddles on and off, always numbness that goes up to just below my knees. Fingers also have similar issues but less often. Has anyone tried Rituximab and how did it go?

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I was diagnosed with monoclonal gammopathy 30 years ago. No therapies were available at the time and it slowly killed the myelin sheaths in my feet and lower legs making it difficult to walk.
About 10 years ago retuximab was offered by the clinic to stop ( or reverse?) the condition. A small amount was used first and stopped immediately when I had a reaction. After a while it was introduced again and my body did not react. I had retuximab administered several times over the next few weeks and then it was stopped for a few months. When it was reintroduced about 3 months later, I went into anaphylactic (sp) shock and was ambulanced to the hospital overnight.
I have wondered if it had been introduced and then stopped for a few minutes like the first time if my body would have tolerated it.
I am now 83 and must use a walker. I have to add that I swam laps for years and still use the gym to keep going.

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