Anyone know what kind of treatment Suzanne Somers got over the years?

Posted by kseanob @kseanob, Oct 16, 2023

I'm not proud I'm asking this, but I figure this group will understand. Does anyone know the details of what specific type of breast cancer Suzanne Somers had, and what treatment she undertook for it over the years? I've read that it was an "aggressive" cancer, also that it came back several times. But did she have chemotherapy? When it "came back" did that mean a new case, or metastatis? I'm asking because when my daughter hears about her death, it may trigger a new round of worry about me. (Mastectomy, chemo, 14 years ago, then Arimidex) Thanks for any info you can provide -- as well as for your understanding.

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Suzanne Somers was often criticized for spreading misinformation about various health and wellness claims, including her approach to chemical-free treatment for breast cancer.

Healthline wrote a detailed article about her approach to treatment and provides more background to some of the treatment option pros and cons:

It's always sad to lose someone to breast cancer, especially a bubbly personality who came into our living rooms via the television. I do worry however about the influence stars can have on spreading non-evidence based treatment approaches. It's scary when people listen to TV or movie fame for guidance in health.

As always, I feel obliged to remind everyone to discuss any alternative or completmentary therapy options with your cancer care team. Inquire about Integrative Cancer Care at your cancer center
- Integrative Oncology

@kseanob, thanks for allowing me to vent a little. I realize that you are asking about Suzanne Somers for a different reason. Hearing about the passing of a celebrity brings the reality of cancer back home and I can understand your concern that this could trigger worry in your daughter. For Somers, she lived with cancer for over 20 years, moving from remission to recurrence several times from what I could find. I did not see any information (yet) about type of breast cancer or stage.

I think it is important to let your daughter know that there are many different types of breast cancer and that everyone's experience is different. How do you help reduce your daughter's worry? That must be hard.


Suzanne Somers was often criticized for spreading misinformation about various health and wellness claims, including her approach to chemical-free treatment for breast cancer.

Healthline wrote a detailed article about her approach to treatment and provides more background to some of the treatment option pros and cons:

It's always sad to lose someone to breast cancer, especially a bubbly personality who came into our living rooms via the television. I do worry however about the influence stars can have on spreading non-evidence based treatment approaches. It's scary when people listen to TV or movie fame for guidance in health.

As always, I feel obliged to remind everyone to discuss any alternative or completmentary therapy options with your cancer care team. Inquire about Integrative Cancer Care at your cancer center
- Integrative Oncology

@kseanob, thanks for allowing me to vent a little. I realize that you are asking about Suzanne Somers for a different reason. Hearing about the passing of a celebrity brings the reality of cancer back home and I can understand your concern that this could trigger worry in your daughter. For Somers, she lived with cancer for over 20 years, moving from remission to recurrence several times from what I could find. I did not see any information (yet) about type of breast cancer or stage.

I think it is important to let your daughter know that there are many different types of breast cancer and that everyone's experience is different. How do you help reduce your daughter's worry? That must be hard.

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Thank you for this. It means I can truthfully say to my daughter that my treatment was very different.


Suzanne Somers got very rich promoting "bioidentical hormones" instead of traditional estrogen therapy to keep aging women young. Many in the medical community decried her theories, books, and products as dangerous. She had different cancers starting in her 30s. Only her doctors MIGHT know what caused or fed her cancers; we all know many cancers are just bad luck, a rogue cell mutation gone wild. I never take medical advice from actresses, but millions do in a desperate effort to keep their looks and stay young. Her first breast cancer was 20 years ago and she refused chemo.


Suzanne Somers got very rich promoting "bioidentical hormones" instead of traditional estrogen therapy to keep aging women young. Many in the medical community decried her theories, books, and products as dangerous. She had different cancers starting in her 30s. Only her doctors MIGHT know what caused or fed her cancers; we all know many cancers are just bad luck, a rogue cell mutation gone wild. I never take medical advice from actresses, but millions do in a desperate effort to keep their looks and stay young. Her first breast cancer was 20 years ago and she refused chemo.

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This is a good reminder that although 1. every woman gets to decide how to treat her cancer 2. the medical profession should be the source of general information.
An individual's decisions shouldn't be the source of other peoples' decisions. However, I guess that is what advertising is all about!


I am happy that you asked this. I quietly but immediately tried to find out this info for the similar reason, and also wanted to know what type of BrCa she had. Just goes to show we will always have both a thirst for info coupled with fears (no matter how far back we can push it away). That being said doesnt mean we can't live optimistically and vibrantly-its just there 🙁


I have since read a long Substack article by the gynecologist Jen Gunter, in which she expressed sadness for Somers' death, yet expressed anger that Somers had touted the unproven "benefits" of so-called bio-similar hormones. So basically, Somers took estrogen for decades after her initial cancer!!!! No wonder she had recurrences. Dr. Gunter was particularly angry because celebrities have a large platform to share their views, no matter how scientifically valid those views may be.

So just remind yourself -- and/or your loved ones -- that she did the exact OPPOSITE of what any oncologist would recommend. Very sad.


I was sad to read up on the treatments she had. She mentioned in one interview it popped back up a few times, but the fighter in her got it down. I thought it just reoccurred. She reminds me of my sister who explains it the way she wants to. Maybe that how they make sense of it. Her family had her for a few decades after treatment. Do I have the money to do it her way? Did her family agree with her treatment choices?
No, but I have felt blessed to have insurance cover all the treatment's I have been given. Who did Suzanne tell the whole truth to?


Please don’t slam Suzanne Somersault til you have walked a mile in her shoes.


Thank you to all who have commented with good sense for this question. Unfortunately, celebrity carries often an undeserved amount of weight when discussing issues such as this. Every time I was reading an article about Suzanne Somers' dismissal of certain treatments and promoting "natural cures" it made me angry. Not so much that she made those choices for herself (her right, as it is all of our rights) but the fact that it might lead others to make un-wise choices. She's no more a warrior than any one of us, let's be clear about that. Kelly Preston also fought and lost her battle, but she was private about it vis a vis her devotion to Scientology.


Please don’t slam Suzanne Somersault til you have walked a mile in her shoes.

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She made money off of others fear and desperation and likely did untold harm. Those are not good shoes to walk in.

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