Anyone have HIDA scan due to LT Covid?

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jun 23, 2023

As we all know, LT Covid reeks havoc on our body, organs, etc.

I have lost so much weight (down to 89 lbs) along with terrible and gnawing constant pain on my right flank area. Started 3 yrs ago. Doc thinks it may be my gallbladder, although Ultra sound, CT Scan an MRI shows gallbladder tests results are fine. However, he said those tests could turn out fine, but the gallbladder is not functioning.

I'm scheduled for a HIDA scan today and really scared, not only because of the radiation, but given my LT Covid issues and fear injected the radioactive materials could being add fuel to the fire. I'm literally shaking thinking about it. And then if test turns out fine, it was all for nothing. I've had so many tests these last few years exposing myself to radiation, etc.

If only there could be a test for LT Covid. I can't even get short term disability at work even though we have the benefit because Docs don't go into detail when submitting paperwork and how horrible and incapacitating it is, especially my Doc who has been so unsupportive. Even the Doc at May will not indicate as such and indicated he prescribed a medication and suggested medication for anxiety. The Insurance Company (in my case MetLife) won't approve my short term disability. I don't know where to turn and I wish the government would help us since they are aware of this illness. How are we suppose to survive financially? I don't have a spouse for support.

In addition, I just learned I have a hernia which also requires surgery. Not even sure how I got that as female and truly feel LT Covid plays some part in attacking my stomach since. I never had any issues was so very healthy prior to this awful Covid!

I even developed a chalazion on my lower lid, wouldn't go away, had 2 surgeries to no avail. Derm and Ophthalmologist said chalazions can be caused by an immune disorder; hence LT Covid.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 Support Group.

You need to start taking a good protein powder with collagen peptides, minerals, probioticts, you are not digesting your food correctly, you need to supplement It has worked for me I'm still not well but this has helped


And yes I did have a hida scan I ended up having sludge in my gallbladder


What were the results? I am assuming normal. Have you had a CT of the abdomen? I had the same symptoms early into my LC and had just about every test imaginable. Ended up being mesenteric panniculitis. CT showed haziness over that same area where you are having pain. Unfortunately nothing can be done but rest. It slowly went away over the next 3 months. I still have occasional flare ups but since it is so rare, no one really knows how to treat. Best of luck to you.


The results were normal, just as you suspected. Makes me mad that i put myself through radioactive materials for nothing. I did have a CT scan, twice in the last few years and it showed normal results and like you, every test imaginable. You must have been in good hands of an MD and/or radiologist that diagnosed mesenteric pannicultis. Funny you mentioned at times it goes away as I have noticed the same, but right now its really bad.

Given it's so rare, no doubt that's why it was not diagnosed, but definitely sounds like what I have. And just like LC brings on inflammation it makes sense. I also have EXTREME weight loss (127 lbs down to 89 lbs).

Were you given any meds?

All the Doctor's I've have provided no help, that includes Mayo! May ended up being a total waste of time and mostly money! The internal MD I saw said I had LT Covid ordered tons of tests and blood work, my follow up call he prescribed a med and I have been trying to reach him since because of side effects, made about 15 calls, reaching out via mychart and he will not return my call. The schedulers and his assistants say he's too busy.

I'm so ill and can't get help anywhere. Even the report he sent to my primary MD did not indicate I have LT Covid or mentioned the med he prescribed. My primary MD is of no help and thinks it's just anxiety.


I sent you a private message. Not sure if you also saw my question in 3rd paragraph.


The results were normal, just as you suspected. Makes me mad that i put myself through radioactive materials for nothing. I did have a CT scan, twice in the last few years and it showed normal results and like you, every test imaginable. You must have been in good hands of an MD and/or radiologist that diagnosed mesenteric pannicultis. Funny you mentioned at times it goes away as I have noticed the same, but right now its really bad.

Given it's so rare, no doubt that's why it was not diagnosed, but definitely sounds like what I have. And just like LC brings on inflammation it makes sense. I also have EXTREME weight loss (127 lbs down to 89 lbs).

Were you given any meds?

All the Doctor's I've have provided no help, that includes Mayo! May ended up being a total waste of time and mostly money! The internal MD I saw said I had LT Covid ordered tons of tests and blood work, my follow up call he prescribed a med and I have been trying to reach him since because of side effects, made about 15 calls, reaching out via mychart and he will not return my call. The schedulers and his assistants say he's too busy.

I'm so ill and can't get help anywhere. Even the report he sent to my primary MD did not indicate I have LT Covid or mentioned the med he prescribed. My primary MD is of no help and thinks it's just anxiety.

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The only thing that was slightly abnormal during the worst part was my ALT was a bit elevated. Not enough to where my internist was worried, but enough to worry a GI who was smart enough to be thinking outside the box and got the CT at that time. I am not on any meds other than small dose metoprolol for my POTS that I also developed from covid, and tumeric and probiotics. I take alot of CBD which helps with inflammation and anxiety. I just recently got my medical marijuana card, but haven't experimented too much with it. Another thing that I have recently started is neurofeedback. Non-invasive and my insurance pays for it. I have had 5 sessions and it seems to be helping with some of the fatigue, insomnia, and ability to deal with not being my normal self. I am here if you ever need to talk about any of this. I know how alone you can feel.


The results were normal, just as you suspected. Makes me mad that i put myself through radioactive materials for nothing. I did have a CT scan, twice in the last few years and it showed normal results and like you, every test imaginable. You must have been in good hands of an MD and/or radiologist that diagnosed mesenteric pannicultis. Funny you mentioned at times it goes away as I have noticed the same, but right now its really bad.

Given it's so rare, no doubt that's why it was not diagnosed, but definitely sounds like what I have. And just like LC brings on inflammation it makes sense. I also have EXTREME weight loss (127 lbs down to 89 lbs).

Were you given any meds?

All the Doctor's I've have provided no help, that includes Mayo! May ended up being a total waste of time and mostly money! The internal MD I saw said I had LT Covid ordered tons of tests and blood work, my follow up call he prescribed a med and I have been trying to reach him since because of side effects, made about 15 calls, reaching out via mychart and he will not return my call. The schedulers and his assistants say he's too busy.

I'm so ill and can't get help anywhere. Even the report he sent to my primary MD did not indicate I have LT Covid or mentioned the med he prescribed. My primary MD is of no help and thinks it's just anxiety.

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Hi @summerof42
Know that frustration of records not reflecting your actual symptoms, daily challenges, remedies tried/failed.
Most healthcare systems have patient advocates and social workers who can assist in their process of actually correcting records as the typical medical records dept process does not usually result in timely and helpful assistance with our difficulties and limitations maneuvering their automated processes or inability to reach dept staff. Hope this helps🌈

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