Anyone have experience with suspension arthroplasty for CMC joint?

Posted by susanders @susanders, Apr 5, 2023

I've seen 3 hand surgeons, and each one has a different process. I like the approach of the one who does suspension arthroplasty. Wondering if anyone can share their experience. I am in Kansas City. Thank you.

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I have had LRTI surgery on both hands (2005 for left and 2011 for right). Things went very well both times. However, I needed the tightrope solution on my right hand in 2019. The hand surgeon had never done one, and I found a different doc who had done several - at the U of P in Philly. The healing process was quick, and I took no pain meds. I moved to Durango, and started having issues with the right thumb/wrist being unable to pinch or pick things up without pain. The hand surgeon here, suggested it was the clip on my thumb holding the thight rope. Apparently, conventional wisdom dictates that after several surgeries, there is enough scar tissue to hold up the thumb. I checked that with the original doc in Philly and he agreed with the above statement. So I had the procedure. All went fine, again quick recovery. Now I have bad pain again (I did fall and break my wrist then 7 months later required carpel tunnel surgery - yes right hand). That recovered, but things are not great. Doc says thumb needs a “re-do”, but he’s not willing to do it as my thumb has bad arthritis and he’s afraid to drill another hole in the base. I guess I’ll have to live with this. There are replacement joints for thumb but doc says they have not proven successful. Good luck with your recovery!

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