Anyone have experience with Prevnar 20-Valent Conjugate Vaccine?

Posted by Christine @thisoldewe, Sep 12, 2023

As fall descends, so does Vaccination Season.
My doctor is suggesting that I get this 'new' pneumonia vaccination.
Any thoughts, comments?

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I had the new Prevnar vaccine about 3 weeks ago, no issues other than a slightly sore arm. Also got the RSV vaccine a few days later (a bit more side effects from it, but well worth feeling a bit under the weather for a day.) My husband also go the RSV vax and had zero side effects…not even a sore arm. Very happy we have these vaccines available to us! Good luck.


I got the Prevnar 20 yesterday. Sore arm, but otherwise okay. You say it is new... Really?? Had the Prevnar 13 several years ago, but enough time had elapsed that I was a candidate for the Prevnar 20, and doc felt it would be good insurance.


I had the new Prevnar vaccine about 3 weeks ago, no issues other than a slightly sore arm. Also got the RSV vaccine a few days later (a bit more side effects from it, but well worth feeling a bit under the weather for a day.) My husband also go the RSV vax and had zero side effects…not even a sore arm. Very happy we have these vaccines available to us! Good luck.

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Yes, we are so fortunate to live in countries and times when we have such advances; when billions of others do not.
Thank you for your input!


I got the Prevnar 20 yesterday. Sore arm, but otherwise okay. You say it is new... Really?? Had the Prevnar 13 several years ago, but enough time had elapsed that I was a candidate for the Prevnar 20, and doc felt it would be good insurance.

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My doctor at the Mayo Clinic told me to get the brand new Prevnar series. I as well, got the old one. For whatever reason, this new one is better.


My doc agrees. This Prevnar 20 is supposed to cover some 'bugs' that the previous shots do not.
After last winter's back to back pneumonias, (despite all previous shots) I'm ready to try it!

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