Anyone have an arterial bleed because of Graft Vs Host

Posted by kseanob @kseanob, Oct 16, 2023

My BFF, who had a stem cell transplant 11 months ago, almost died a few weeks ago because of an arterial "bleeder." She lost 3 pints of blood and passed out twice on the gurney into surgery! They were able to insert some kind of coil that stopped the bleeding, and she is on the road to recovery from that. However.....her doctors still aren't sure what happened, and why a major artery in her abdomen sprung a leak. Luckily she was already at the hospital when it happened, but it's terrifying to think it might happen again elsewhere. Thoughts? Advice?

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Hello @kseanob. Oh my goodness, what a terrifying experience for your friend to go through. I’m happy to hear the bleeding was able to be stopped and she’s on the road to recovery.
I haven’t heard that happening as a side effect of a stem cell transplant itself. Unless it had something to with possible collateral damage to her veins/arteries from chem, radiation or other aspects of her condition whether pre or during transplant? That may be one her doctors will never know for sure. She may have had an aortic aneurism (a weak area in the aortic wall) that had previously been undetected and it just ruptured. Hopefully this is a one-off and won’t ever happen again.

What lead up to her requiring a stem cell transplant?


Myelofibrosis. Given 2 years max without transplant.

Good to know it's not a well-documented GVHD "thing." I've been having nightmares about it chomping on her arteries like something out of Pac-Man.

Thanks for your prompt answer.


Myelofibrosis. Given 2 years max without transplant.

Good to know it's not a well-documented GVHD "thing." I've been having nightmares about it chomping on her arteries like something out of Pac-Man.

Thanks for your prompt answer.

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@kseanob, I had a bone marrow transplant 4+ years ago and have my ear on the grapevine for all thing GVHD. It can affect so many aspects of our body and can cause myriad issues. But the aneurysm such as your friend had isn’t one I’ve heard of personally. I’m sure that had her doctors and nurses scrambling big time!!

GvHD can cause vasculitis of the blood vessels…an inflammation where they can swell and thicken. But I would think her doctors have checked for this. Steroids can also harden and weaken the structure of blood vessels. But at only 11 months out your friend most likely wouldn’t have been on long term steroids yet.

When she’s ready or if you want to intercept, there are a number of discussions here in the forum with others who have had SCT/gvhd.

~Chronic GVHD ~ Let’s talk about it!

There are also some more positive conversations! Because this transplant did just give your friend a second chance with life!

~Snapshots of hope: Life on the other side of transplant.

Does she have many GvHD issues?

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