Anyone else had TRSR without Pt, just at home exercises?

Posted by kcoxict @kcoxict, Jun 22, 2023

My surgeon says I will not have any PT after my total reverse shoulder replacement surgery just at home exercises. I find this odd because everyone on here has had PT with their surgeries. I spoke with one other patient of this surgeon and he confirmed that yes in fact no PT just at home exercises and he had a great outcome. I'm still a bit suspicious and would prefer to work with a really good PT.

Any thoughts or comments from others??

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Hmmm. Everyone I know who’s had that procedure also had PT. I suppose it’s possible to just have an at-home program but if you’re willing and able to access PT, why not go for it?

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but the huge up side of working with a PT is they can help you troubleshoot, give specific guidance for your body and what works for your lifestyle and tailor your program not just to recovery from pain, but function so you can hopefully start doing more of what you want to do, sooner, even if you’ll continue home exercises for a while.

I had a spinal fusion when I was 11 years old back in the day when conventional wisdom was that they should just send me outside to play and I’d be fine. Well, I was—but fast forward years later and my PTs thought that was crazy.

I could have been taught better how to manage pain, how to treat my scar tissue to prevent as much thickening and “sticking” of the scar, and exercises to minimize the pain I have now, sooner! Would I have done that all at age 11, maybe not. But at least my parents and I would have know it was an option when I was ready.

You could still ask for a PT order, right? The worst that could happen is if you and your PT realize you don’t need further sessions, you just stop.


If you can get PT get it. It definitely helped me

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