Anyone else get vertigo randomly?

Posted by rita @ritabtripp, Jun 11, 2023

I get vertigo randomly though it is often when I’m overly tired. Everything starts spinning and I have nausea and have to lie down until it passes - which is almost always the following day after a nights sleep. Anyone else have this and what do you do to help it?

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I've dealt with some lately not sure what it was very weird feeling and dizzy and not sleeping well i up very late insomnia is that what your talking about sleep is definitely a trigger I'm sure and then add autoimmune stuff I understand your not alone❤️💜


The person that runs this thread can help you


Consider Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo if your spells occur with head movement,such as looking up or down or rolling over in bed.


My vertigo was tied into fluid in my ear from sinus drainage from allergies. It had nothing to do with my sleep.
At least I knew when it was about to happen. I had about a 15 second warning feeling strange and knew to get into position.
I would be forced to hold on to something, lay down or pull my car over to the side of the road.
When it hit my brain was mush, dreamlike, really stupid, not even sure where I was, but no pain or nausea. It would normally pass in about 1-2 minutes.
My allergies aren't as bad as a senior and haven't had spells like this in decade.


Doing some research, I found the attached protocol on line. After you satisfy yourself and perhaps your doctor, give it a try. Some people try Eppley because it is really good. I am Peter, a newbie.


Thank you all. I don’t see an attached protocol. Can you send it again please. I appreciate everyone’s input!!!!!


Doing some research, I found the attached protocol on line. After you satisfy yourself and perhaps your doctor, give it a try. Some people try Eppley because it is really good. I am Peter, a newbie.

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I would be cautious about trying the Epley maneuver without receiving training from a physical therapist who specializes in vestibular disorders. Even so, I ended up with the calcium crystals in my lateral canal and continual nausea and vomiting, which landed me in the ER. I no longer do the Epley maneuver on my own without a therapist helping.

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