Anyone else find the side effects of Hydrea 500MG frightening?

Posted by eddb @eddb, Oct 1, 2023

I was diagnosed with having a blood cancer that looks and acts a lot like Polycythemia Vera (PV) about 6 years ago. I’ve been rolling along ok with (mostly monthly) phlebotomies, until a year or so ago. At that point my white blood cells and (most importantly) my platelet levels started to increase. The doc did a 2nd bone marrow extraction but I STILL tested negative for PV. After a CT scan and other tests were done to rule out any possible hidden bodily infections, my doc prescribed Hydrea 500 MG. I filled the script about a week and a half ago…and it is still sitting in a bag on my counter, unopened. I got seriously freaked out when I researched the drug and found all those nasty side effects associated with the drug.

Now, I’m sitting here knowing that my platelet count as of 3 days ago was 987 (over twice the normal level limit) and that I could throw a blood clot at anytime. I was holding off taking the drug, to get an appointment with a hematologist/oncologist for a 2nd opinion, but that appointment isn’t for another 10 days - I’m a nervous wreck! I do not want to take the chance with hydrea but I don’t want to clot. I don’t even have a real diagnosis other than suspicion of bone marrow cancer or the beginning stages of it….

I’d be curious to hear about what others have experienced while on this drug. Much appreciated!

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I have been on Hydrea for over a year now for essential thrombocythemia. 500 mg daily and I've had no side effects

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I was put on Hu every day when forst started until I developed anemia. Dr stopped all drugs put me on iron and now only take hu 3x a week with no side effects.


This is in response to @eddb I have been taking this medication since 2014. I have had no side effects. Please take the meds but continue to a find a good hemotologist/ oncologist. They put me on a daily baby asprin daily. This is to help with the potential clots. I don't know if you will have any side effects or not but you need to try it so you know. There are other drugs they can use as well. Good luck...

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Yes, sick stomach from Hydrea, massive hair loss after 2 years of taking the stuff, initially on alternate days, then due to nausea & total lack of energy from them, I informed my Haematologist re this. He reduced them to 3 tabs per week + venesection if Hct was elevated over 45. My Hct has been within the normal range or just borderline, so no venesection since January last. He did give me the option of venesection only, or a combination of it & hydrea or to try a new tablet. I think I should have gone with venesection only.
My platelets & Hct were within normal range last appointment 2 weeks ago.
Was off hydrea back last March, developed sick stomach from med I was prescribed for a badly bruised muscle on my side. Had to sleep in a sitting position, due to pain. I was able to stomach the Warfarin tabs as are very tiny. Reason why I am on warfarin is prior to my PV diagnosis, approx 9 mths, I developed clot in my leg. Was put on warfarin for 6 mths. Had another review after that, was taken off warfarin, approx 4 months later developed lung clot, blood test sent for PV check, result..PV diagnosed with a Jak2 mutation.

While I took myself off Hydrea for approx 2 months! I felt I wasn't exactly reckless by doing so when I was already on warfarin blood thinners.

I had just gone back on Hydrea for about 3 days when my Haematology appointment was due. Lo & behold my Hct & Platelets were well within the normal range, Dr (not the Consultant) decided I didn't need any prescription for Hydrea, let me off home without a fresh prescription told me no need to take them. How relieved I was! She arranged a further appointment for 4 weeks later, attended that, readings still within the normal range, so again, no prescription needed.! Next appointment was 4 weeks later, platelets had crept up a bit so back on the Hydrea × 3 per week.
I must mention that my hair ceased to fall out was beginning to grow back reasonably well when I was off the Hydrea for almost 3 months!!
I did ask Haematologist if any need to be on Warfarin & Hydrea concurrently, to keep my blood from clotting.
He hesitated, didn't give me a conclusive answer!!

Apologies if I have confused any of you by by the way I have printed this but, had already printed it it but text flew off the screen.
Mags 17


I don't wish anybody ill here, but I have had ET for many years, and I ran a FB group and blog for several years when you couldn't find support or info on ET. I had 6,000 patients from every continent except Antarctica on the FB page at its peak, and I learned these lessons. Please excuse the length of the post.

1. Supplement sellers often pose as patients on support sites and claim that whatever they're selling will control platelets. First it was resveratrol, then turmeric, then CBD oil, now apparently 'shrooms. Mostly the claims say how GREAT they feel and they offer some very tenuous studies to support their claims. God knows, I wish dark chocolate bonbons and smoking dope would cure or control ET. But they don't.

2. Cancer patients are sitting ducks for other people's conspiracy theories about traditional medicine. Many do not confide in friends and relatives because they don't need to hear that when they're hit with a cancer diagnosis.

3. There are many people who use the "everyone is different" mantra to justify making scientifically unsound medical decisions and, by example, encouraging others to freelance. Sorry, but ET pretty much works the same way in all patients. Some patients do better on Peg than HU, some patients will be more likely to have bone pain or strokes. But it's not like we're so different that I need chemo, but you just need a glass of red wine every night.

4. Many patients obsess over platelet counts without understanding that ET isn't just about platelets, but about a genetic mutation that affects blood production in the bone marrow and causes fibrosis in the bones themselves. ET also seems to have system-wide effects by triggering histamine/inflammatory responses, which are still poorly understood.

5. Doctors do a terrible job explaining ET and what the treatment will do. They also vary a lot in how well They keep up with the latest research. They gripe about patients googling things, but can only spare you 10 minutes once or twice a year to talk to you. It's how American for-profit care works. Their treatments do work. Holistic practitioners tend to spend a LOT of time with people and offering loads of empathy and treatments supposedly tailored to their specific bodily needs. Their treatments do not work.

I don't really have anything else to add here, so I'll get off my soap box. I hope it's food for thought. I hope people trying alternative treatments are consulting with doctors and being monitored.


The world is full of people who think they have outsmarted cancer. Folks might want to read about Jessie "Boss Lee" Ward. She was sure everybody on chemo was a dupe, too.

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Who is Jessie Boss Lee. ward?


The world is full of people who think they have outsmarted cancer. Folks might want to read about Jessie "Boss Lee" Ward. She was sure everybody on chemo was a dupe, too.

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@nohrt4me - I really don’t think this is a discussion about “outsmarting cancer” - at least, that’s not the way I’ve ever thought about it. To me, it’s all about keeping an open mind and finding the best possible approach to help our bodies heal and become healthier. We’re all different and we need to choose the path that’s best for us as individuals. I’ve had many family members and work colleagues go through chemo treatment over the years, none of which I would ever consider to be “dupes”. They just chose the path that they felt was right for themselves at that time. For myself, I choose a more wholistic approach to my health and tend to shy away from pharmaceuticals as much as possible. But that’s just the path that I’ve chosen for myself. I wish you the very best with your chosen path.


Sure @nohrt4me, but the study specifically mentions the affects of inhibiting/reducing platelet aggregation in humans. The way I see it, in my situation (platelet counts of a million or so), my best options are to slow down platelet production and/or make them less sticky. And fortunately, I happen to like mushrooms!

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The world is full of people who think they have outsmarted cancer. Folks might want to read about Jessie "Boss Lee" Ward. She was sure everybody on chemo was a dupe, too.


This is in response to @eddb I have been taking this medication since 2014. I have had no side effects. Please take the meds but continue to a find a good hemotologist/ oncologist. They put me on a daily baby asprin daily. This is to help with the potential clots. I don't know if you will have any side effects or not but you need to try it so you know. There are other drugs they can use as well. Good luck...


Thanks for posting. Very informative and I am currently eating many of the fruits and vegetables in this study. I notice when I am eating healthy my body and mind reflect the wellness.
We are what we eat, especially with the correlation studies supporting evidence surrounding ET and high cholesterol.
I am exploring all of my options to minimize this mysterious/uncurable disease, including a full commitment to different forms of exercise on a daily basis.


Sure @nohrt4me, but the study specifically mentions the affects of inhibiting/reducing platelet aggregation in humans. The way I see it, in my situation (platelet counts of a million or so), my best options are to slow down platelet production and/or make them less sticky. And fortunately, I happen to like mushrooms!


This study is geared toward those with cardiovascular disease, not blood cancers. These are completely different diseases.

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