Anyone doing Simponi Aria infusion?

Posted by rshmc @rshmc, Jan 10 1:30pm

I began having autoimmune problems following the Covid vaccine. I was initially put on oral methotrexate, prednisone and sulfasalazine. I was then switched to self injected methotrexate, along with the other 2 meds. Because of side effects from the methotrexate, I had to discontinue it. It is being recommended that I start infusions of Simponi Aria. Anyone have experience with the Simponi Aria infusion? It’s a bit nerve racking not knowing what to expect.

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I'm so sorry that you aren't well.
I was on simponi aria for a pre-Covid autoimmune disease.
I had been on a lot of similar medications for years before using it.

The manufacturer has a really good website for patients. I suggest you go there. It will give you accurate information and a lot of detail. Just google symponi aria- infusion.

Hope it helps you!

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