Anybody on Treatment for CLL?

Posted by abide @abide, Jun 13 12:56pm

Anybody on treatment for CLL

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Yes. I started treatment this past March. It a targeted and immunotherapy combination treatment of daily oral Venetoclax (Venclexta) plus 6 cycles of intravenous Obinutuzumab (Gazyva). The treatment is working well so far and side-effects are much lower than traditional chemo. There are options for treatments of CLL/SLL and every oncologist has their favorites.

I can’t get weblinks to go through on Mayo Connect yet so go to and search for Treatment Regimen for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) if you want more detail.

I can send you a lot more in the way of helpful resources once Mayo Connect allows me to.



Attached is the best resource for CLL/SLL I know of.

Understanding CLL/SLL - Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma

Shared files

Understanding CLL:SLL (Understanding-CLLSLL.pdf)


Hi @abide, in addition to the helpful information from @fortunateoldguy, I'm tagging other CLL members like
@normahorn @aleeab @marytheresacll @sue58 @remimor @mylove to share their treatment experiences.

If your chronic lymphocytic leukemia doesn't cause symptoms and doesn't show signs of getting worse, you may not need treatment right away.

@abide, is this a new diagnosis for you? What treatment is being recommended for you?


I am fortunate as I am in stage 0 and may never need treatment due to the deletion type I have.

Providing more information about your cll may elicit more responses.

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