Any suggestions for pain relief other than meds?

Posted by dorethalorraine @dorethalorraine, 3 days ago

After 3 years of dealing with pain in both feet, EMG tests, muscle tests. 2 neurologists, I have no answers to symptoms. Going for MRI. Anyone have ideas that have helped you cope?

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Physical and psychological therapy seems to be the final method for attempting to control pain.


Hi— Archie here-
I asked your same question in 2009. My Pain mgt Dr told me I was an excellent candidate for an intrathecal pain pump made by Medtronic. Google it. He put One in and I haven’t taken an oral medication since. I had been on opioids since 1978. Also being prepped for a Spinal Cord Stimulator— Google
It. Good luck-/ Archie


Let's start with what is basic for ALL health issues: Taking care of ourselves with healthy food, adequate physical activity (in yr case -- and my case as an 81 y.o. who sometimes feels my feet are not as exercised even though I walk and turn and bend and stretch my feet even as i sit) and general stress mgmt and often short naps and restful sleep. So far life seems to have spared me health issues except my teeth (I've been an angry person at some level) and poor eyesight -- need cataract work.

So here's what last part of Mayo advice -- I'll suggest you read all.,functions%20including%20digestion%20and%20urination.
Make healthy lifestyle choices
These habits support your nerve health:

Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein to keep nerves healthy. Protect against low levels of vitamin B-12 by eating meats, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy foods and fortified cereals. If you're vegetarian or vegan, fortified cereals are a good source of vitamin B-12, but talk to your health care professional about B-12 supplements.
Exercise regularly. With a health care professional's OK, try to get at least 30 minutes to one hour of exercise at least three times a week.
Avoid factors that may cause nerve damage. These factors can include repetitive motions, exposure to toxic chemicals, smoking and drinking too much alcohol.

Good luck friend, nature is our ally more times than not!

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