Any Special Recommendations for Upcoming Gallbladder Surgery?

Posted by shooei @shooei, Oct 30, 2021

After 5 years of gut pain/issues - having tried everything imaginable to alleviate from diet to exercise to alternative medicine to name it - I have finally decided to go with my GP & surgeon's recommendations to remove my gallbladder.
Is there anything specific I should do or tell them about my bronchiectasis/MAC? It will be a laparoscopic procedure, relatively quick, and I go home same afternoon. He will not do the procedure without general anesthesia because of the CO2 they pump into your belly, but says he will use an IV only sedation (rather than inhaled), which is supposed to be easier on you overall.
Thank you for an insights or advice anyone might share!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

I doubt you will regret moving ahead with getting it removed. My wife was miserable until she got it corrected and Voila! Bye bye misery. Don


I doubt you will regret moving ahead with getting it removed. My wife was miserable until she got it corrected and Voila! Bye bye misery. Don

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Oh, thank you Don that is so good to know! I am ready for a little bye bye misery!!


Hello, this is timely. I just had the procedure 2 weeks ago. What a relief . Only a few days of re tenderness at the four holes they looked, but total relief from the gall bladder pain. Now I just need to keep eating sensibly as my liver takes over. I wish I had done it infe February when it got bad. No problems with my lungs gs after, anesthesiologist had me use my albuterol inhaler right before the surgery. Mind the lifting limits. My daughter had torn internal stitches when she tried to be superwoman.
Please excuse the typos. I the car on a road trip.


Thank you Sue!! I love reading the word "relief" - I hope this turns out to be what I needed. Thank you for letting me know no problem w/lungs, and I needed the reminder to mind the lifting limits 😁. Thank you for taking time out during your trip to respond - hope you have a great trip!


Oh, thank you Don that is so good to know! I am ready for a little bye bye misery!!

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When is procedure scheduled?


Hello, this is timely. I just had the procedure 2 weeks ago. What a relief . Only a few days of re tenderness at the four holes they looked, but total relief from the gall bladder pain. Now I just need to keep eating sensibly as my liver takes over. I wish I had done it infe February when it got bad. No problems with my lungs gs after, anesthesiologist had me use my albuterol inhaler right before the surgery. Mind the lifting limits. My daughter had torn internal stitches when she tried to be superwoman.
Please excuse the typos. I the car on a road trip.

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Sue, reassure us; you ARE the passenger…Right? This forum can’t afford to lose you for any reason and certainly not due to a “texting-while-driving pileup. Don


When is procedure scheduled?

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First thing Wednesday morning.


I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. I had been having problems but I started on a no white food diet and my issues were somewhat resolved. I had a routine CT scan of my lungs and it showed that I had gallstones. I had asked my gastro doc to check my gallbladder before and he refused noting that I was better with diet. I had my gallbladder out before my pulmonologist called me about the CT results for my lungs. I got along great and wasn't really down at all. I can now eat most foods and I'm very happy I had my gallbladder removed.


I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago. I had been having problems but I started on a no white food diet and my issues were somewhat resolved. I had a routine CT scan of my lungs and it showed that I had gallstones. I had asked my gastro doc to check my gallbladder before and he refused noting that I was better with diet. I had my gallbladder out before my pulmonologist called me about the CT results for my lungs. I got along great and wasn't really down at all. I can now eat most foods and I'm very happy I had my gallbladder removed.

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Thank you Tina for sharing your experience & positive results! I don't have stones, but a super overactive gallbladder. I don't want to get too hopeful that this will solve my pain & eating problems, but even if it makes it a little better I will be ecstatic! And airway clearance is way easier when your guts don't hurt!


Sue, reassure us; you ARE the passenger…Right? This forum can’t afford to lose you for any reason and certainly not due to a “texting-while-driving pileup. Don

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Oh Don, of course I was the passenger or the typos would have been worse. We relocated to our winter home for a few weeks, then will return north for the holidays.

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