Any database for Surgeons clinical outcomes/ success% ?

Posted by hope24 @hope24, Feb 20 7:33am

Is there any patient site to check a surgeons clinical outcomes for esophagectomy (post op mortality, % of complications- pneumonia; anastomotic leaks and readmission rates etc.) ?

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Following. I’d love this info.

Best I could find was facility esophagectomy rates on And, after talking with surgeons, even those were incorrect.


Thank you! I did sign up for which is "coming soon".


@hope24, I know this isn't exactly what you are looking for, but you might also appreciate this related discussion:
- 3-year survival rate of those who have had esophagectomies at Mayo


Colleen thanks so much. We live close to Cincinnati and wish we lived closer to a Mayo clinic. Can't imagine how we could manage traveling so far for the surgery, recovery and follow up after such a complicated surgery. We have found a surgeon who has an outstanding reputation for the Ivor Lewis surgery. We greatly appreciate the education and support this EC community. ❤


Not sure but Dr. Shanda Blackmon at Mayo does at least two of these weekly. She did mine minimally invasivly and you can only see a small scar. She is at Mayo and may be the best in the world. You can find her credntials on the mayo site.


I tried to find the same information five years ago when my husband was first diagnosed with EC and didn’t have any luck on one ideal source. You’re going to have to do your own homework. Your start is good - look for high volume comprehensive cancer centers. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) recommended in 2019 a minimum of 20+ per surgeon and/or 100-200 EC surgeries for the hospitals annually - numbers may have increased by now! US News’ best list is a good source for a list. (Mayo includes all three campuses in their report so they were the number one hospital in volume.) We then interviewed Dr of the top three volume centers and selected John’s Hopkins. Yes we flew across the country for the surgery, stayed in the their on campus extended stay hotel for a week after being discharged before being cleared to fly home, the the treatment was worth it! All other follow up scans and his feeding tube removal was done by our oncologist at home.
Good luck!

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