Anastrozole: How long do side effects last once you've stopped?

Posted by pnnyh @pnnyh, Feb 11, 2023

I was on anastrozole 1 mg. for 28 months. Clear mammograms last 2 years. (Had cardiac bypass surgery 20 years ago. Have dealt with blood pressure issues for 50 years. I'm 82 . )Had side effects (carpal tunnel syndrome/ slowed urination/hair loss/etc. etc .Unfortunately there was a pharmacy error and I took 2 mg. for 3 months. Blood pressure spiked (203/102) . When I realized error, of course I quit medication. I'm now on twice my usual cardiac meds. No anastrozole for 8 weeks. Blood pressure remains elevated. Most side effects remain.
For those of you who quit anastrozole because of side effects, how long did they remain? Oncologist wants me to restart anastrozole. I'm reluctant.

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I am 79 and in the second week of a 2 week hiatus because of side effects. I was prescribed Anestrozole and had no side effects for almost the first year. I kept updated on what the most common side effects were. Then I got hit with side effects that required more diligence to find listed. Muscle and bone issues caused me to readdress my endeavor to find a way to carry on for 4+ more years.

In researching what my 2 weeks hiatus should produce, it seems that amount of the time it would address common side effects but not what I was suffering from. Everyone is different but our fear of doing the wrong thing is a common denominator here. As I have said before in this space - doctors in there effort to have us succeed will tell us that Bengay and Tylenol should be our go-to-option in persevering. Once again I will say that this one size fits all is well meant but naïve. Sometimes it is so amazing that all the knowledge and prescriptions offered can only be viable if these incorporate the verbal experiences and concerns of the woman experiencing the side effects (both common and not likely). We are so fortunate to be at this juncture in the fight against BreastCancer. But the new wonderful considerations in this must incorporate quality of life. It is definitely a fair partner in determining value. Know your full value on the road less traveled ❤️


I am 79 and in the second week of a 2 week hiatus because of side effects. I was prescribed Anestrozole and had no side effects for almost the first year. I kept updated on what the most common side effects were. Then I got hit with side effects that required more diligence to find listed. Muscle and bone issues caused me to readdress my endeavor to find a way to carry on for 4+ more years.

In researching what my 2 weeks hiatus should produce, it seems that amount of the time it would address common side effects but not what I was suffering from. Everyone is different but our fear of doing the wrong thing is a common denominator here. As I have said before in this space - doctors in there effort to have us succeed will tell us that Bengay and Tylenol should be our go-to-option in persevering. Once again I will say that this one size fits all is well meant but naïve. Sometimes it is so amazing that all the knowledge and prescriptions offered can only be viable if these incorporate the verbal experiences and concerns of the woman experiencing the side effects (both common and not likely). We are so fortunate to be at this juncture in the fight against BreastCancer. But the new wonderful considerations in this must incorporate quality of life. It is definitely a fair partner in determining value. Know your full value on the road less traveled ❤️

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I had all the side effects in the first 4 weeks. I lasted 6 months and then had to stop, the joint paint and muscle aches being top of the list. Hands looked like swollen baseball mitts and feet were round on the bottom. Nothing helped. I couldnt walk at all. I was turning into a very dark mind, so I stopped. Doctor told me all I could do was pray. Two lumpectomies and radiation with 6 moths AIs was all I could handle. The changes once I stopped were gradual. By the 2 month mark I had no swelling, and was sleeping again. I started walking slowly at first but today 3 years later I walk two miles a day. I eat a starch diet with no oils. Just potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, and veggies. NO DAIRY OR MEAT. I have lost 70 pounds and my joints are fine. I am bone on bone with my knees, but I have no pain, so I am stalling on surgeries.
I feel for you. I tried 3 diffetrent ones and they were all the same reaction. Do I pray? Every day! But I have never felt better. I am 70 years young, and plan to live to 90. I just got my self a large puppy, who I am forced to walk twice a day, I am gardening again, I go to chair yoga every Monday. I am loving my life right now, and you will too...... Blessings to you!


@pnnyh I’m sorry to hear of you side effects from the Anastrozole & the error of the pharmacist. I had taken Anastrozole for 2 1/2 years. My side effects increased during the second year, to the point that I could hardly get in and out of the car or go up and down stairs. A fog washed over me. I, like you, looked at quality of life -I’m 70 and decided to stop. It took 4-6 months before I felts myself again. I don’t know your type of cancer etc , but it is a very personal decision to make regarding taking or not taking. Talk to your oncologist and ask him about what does discontinuing the Anastrozole do to the percentage of reoccurrence. They always discuss reoccurrence when putting us in meds so they should have an idea (a guess) of going off of them - - I would think. I asked my oncologist how much did 2 1/2 years of taking med buy me - - he couldn’t tell me. (-;
God Bless you.


I am 79 and in the second week of a 2 week hiatus because of side effects. I was prescribed Anestrozole and had no side effects for almost the first year. I kept updated on what the most common side effects were. Then I got hit with side effects that required more diligence to find listed. Muscle and bone issues caused me to readdress my endeavor to find a way to carry on for 4+ more years.

In researching what my 2 weeks hiatus should produce, it seems that amount of the time it would address common side effects but not what I was suffering from. Everyone is different but our fear of doing the wrong thing is a common denominator here. As I have said before in this space - doctors in there effort to have us succeed will tell us that Bengay and Tylenol should be our go-to-option in persevering. Once again I will say that this one size fits all is well meant but naïve. Sometimes it is so amazing that all the knowledge and prescriptions offered can only be viable if these incorporate the verbal experiences and concerns of the woman experiencing the side effects (both common and not likely). We are so fortunate to be at this juncture in the fight against BreastCancer. But the new wonderful considerations in this must incorporate quality of life. It is definitely a fair partner in determining value. Know your full value on the road less traveled ❤️

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Super hugs.

We all need to know what worked for you and what did not work.
Plus, we really need to hear what your symptoms were as you may be surprised that the odd symptoms not listed on the Anestrozole descriptions may be suffered by many.

We need to speak up and figure al this out as we are our own advocates and thus advocates for many others too.

Please come back and let us know what the Medical Oncologist plans to do next.

t listed or me tioned in the oroduct description


I am 79 and in the second week of a 2 week hiatus because of side effects. I was prescribed Anestrozole and had no side effects for almost the first year. I kept updated on what the most common side effects were. Then I got hit with side effects that required more diligence to find listed. Muscle and bone issues caused me to readdress my endeavor to find a way to carry on for 4+ more years.

In researching what my 2 weeks hiatus should produce, it seems that amount of the time it would address common side effects but not what I was suffering from. Everyone is different but our fear of doing the wrong thing is a common denominator here. As I have said before in this space - doctors in there effort to have us succeed will tell us that Bengay and Tylenol should be our go-to-option in persevering. Once again I will say that this one size fits all is well meant but naïve. Sometimes it is so amazing that all the knowledge and prescriptions offered can only be viable if these incorporate the verbal experiences and concerns of the woman experiencing the side effects (both common and not likely). We are so fortunate to be at this juncture in the fight against BreastCancer. But the new wonderful considerations in this must incorporate quality of life. It is definitely a fair partner in determining value. Know your full value on the road less traveled ❤️

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I wanted to share this amazing article I read yesterday as I ended my 2 week hiatus on Anastrozole because of quality of life affecting side effects.

I wanted to share this amazing article I read yesterday as I ended my 2 week hiatus on Anastrozole because of quality of life affecting side effects.

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Started Anastrozole 8 weeks ago in the midst of attempting (with my endocrinologist) to regulate my levothyroxin dose. It is difficult to separate the symptoms of thyroid dysregulation and Anastrozole side effects. The thyroid issues started several months before starting AI therapy(Anastrozole). I don’t necessarily want to stop the Anastrozole but it may be the only way to separate the thyroid symptoms from the AI side effects.
Anyone have experience in this?


After 6 months of anastrozole, I just had a painful, sudden side effect yesterday. When I woke up, getting out of bed was very painful. I called the doc's office. He said to stay off the med until my next visit in mid-March. I'm now walking with a cane. I am managing the pain with one Aleve and one Tylenol every 4 hours. [Taken together they potentiate each other.] I had both knees replaced and that's where most of the pain is today. These replacements aren't new. One was almost 3 yrs ago and the other was 5 years ago. But they never hurt this much once they'd healed.
Yesterday I hurt all over. Today it's mostly in the knees. In addition I am very anxious and my appetite has increased. I think I might have gained 8 to 10 pounds, which I didn't need. Has anyone else had such painful joints after 6 months on anastrozole?

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I also suffered crippling knee pain while on Anastrozole. I switched to Letrozole and started taking collagen supplements. My knees improved back to normal within a month or two. This was 20 months ago, and I have only the stiffness and occasional discomfort I has before the drug. I'm 69.


I also suffered crippling knee pain while on Anastrozole. I switched to Letrozole and started taking collagen supplements. My knees improved back to normal within a month or two. This was 20 months ago, and I have only the stiffness and occasional discomfort I has before the drug. I'm 69.

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I saw my oncologist a month after stopping Anastrozole. Of course I had called him when I had the awful knee problems. He said to stop them. I had already stopped them when I could not even get out of bed. It didn't last long but it scared me. So on my next visit he said any other med would likely cause the same side effects. So I've been off Anastrozole now for almost 6 months. My onco will continue to follow me. I will see him again in January.
Good luck to you.


I concur that I would probably suffer similar symptoms with any of the AI's, but the collagen has made it possible to remain on them. There are still other side effects that have pushed me to take 30 day breaks every so often, but I have only two years left. Being over the hump gives me the incentive to forge ahead with the feeling that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel which is what keeps me going. I won't lie; it's been hell at times.

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