Anastrozole: Hand tremors? Trigger finger? Foot numbness?

Posted by nancynurse57 @nancynurse57, Jul 27, 2023

Has anyone on Anastrozole for a year developed hand tremors? Trigger finger? Foot numbness?

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@wpglea please come back and let us know what is said by Homeopathy Dr. Thank you for sharing. Blessings

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There is a medical doctor turned 100% homeopathic physician in Medina, OH.
I have been on the homeopathic protocol designed for me ("he took the case"), since one size does not always fit all. This is my second full week on the remedies, and I feel wonderful and optimistic that the breast-cancer tumors will begin to shrink.


How did you find the homeopathic breast specialist? My first DCIS was 26 yrs ago and the Tamoxiphen caused significant hair loss, memory and word retrieval/fluency issues and discontinued it after 2 1/2 yrs. I am on Anastrozole for this DCIS in contralateral breast and have some brain fog and moderate joint pain after 4 months... And very scared of continuing it. I have not been able to find a homeopathic breast cancer doctor and am willing to travel. Thank you for your post .

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There is a former medical doctor turned 100% homeopathic physician in Medina, OH who deals with cancer patients, especially breast cancer patients. I also depend on a homeopathic practitioner (not an MD) who has been working with remedies for fifty years; he trained with my former MD/homeopathic doctor.


Yes after 2 1/2 years on Anastrozole I have a slight left hand tremor


Also, wanted to ask if anyone on here has or is experiencing mood disturbances or anger issues related to depression around their hormone blocker. This has been the most insidious side effect which my family has noticed. The depression is just below the surface. I'm hoping it goes away now that I have stopped the med.

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Depending on the day, I can have all of the symptoms or only one. Sometimes I feel like my hands are shaking other times. I feel like I’m going to explode and rage other days my bones ache so badly it’s hard to get up and down out of a chair some days I have a headache And some days I have a terrible stomach. Thank God they don’t all happen on the same day. I am anastrozole.. I also agree that having to go off of hormones after 23 years has been a double hit for me. I loved my hormones. There should be some other way we can replace them that doesn’t cause cancer. I’m not complaining just sharing facts. I’m 72 years old. only been married for two years, my husband’s very understanding thank goodness !


I had tightness in my fingers. Used voltaren and rubbed it in. Lessen the tightness. I am off now and hsve no problems. All of my side effects have left after stopping treatment. There is hope. They say it is the drug of choice. I did it five years you can do it also.


Yes! I developed trigger finger in both thumbs two months into taking anastrozole. It got worse quickly, to the point where my thumbs would become locked in a bent position and I would have to manually pop them straight; kinda painful, really freaky. Took a short break from it, tried letrozole, trigger finger came back immediately. Tried Tamoxifen next, it gave me terrible anxiety and depression. Finally tried exemestane, and hooray! No awful side effects! I do have minor stiffness in the morning or after sitting for extended periods, but that quickly works itself out as I move. I have heard similar stories from others, where one or two AIs give bad side effects, but the third works great. If anastrozole is causing you trouble, ask your doc about trying a different AI!


I was a participant in the MOST study of damaged and arthritic joints, with frequent MRIs of my damaged left knee and X-rays of my knees and hips and other things that were asked of us between 1997 and 2020. Yet, im8mediately after my lumpectomy (1/27/2022) and my 12/7/2021 diagnosis, my Illinois oncologist put me on Anastrozole---before I had been given a bone scan, and within 5 days of my surgery, but 4 months before I began 33 radiation sessions. As a result, my left knee blew out on 9/17/2022 resulting in X-rays on 9/19; 9/21; 9/28 and 11/15. If you have a family history of arthritis or, like me, damaged joints (knee, elbow, back) from previous injuries, the A.I. pills will attack and inflame those joints, giving you the most excruciating pain you have ever experienced in 76 years of life. Two Texas oncologists say I should never have been put on any of the A.I. pills, but I was put on Anastrozole with NO warnings about this within 5 days of my surgery and remained on it until it semi-crippled me and put me in a wheelchair (symptoms of a meniscus tear) and gave me full-blown osteoporosis (down from osteopaenia). I was also not given an oncotype nor the ki67 that my surgeon suggested, because my oncologist in Illinois does not like to order any additional expensive tests for fear he "would get dinged by Medicare." It's been a horrible experience and I spent 6 months in a wheelchair because of an indifferent oncologist who only saw me 2 times, in person, during the entire ordeal. I then tried Tamoxifen with the Texas oncologist who got me my oncotype 17 months late (29), which resulted in extreme exhaustion, frequent UTIS, a constant urge to urinate, and 10 things on my bloodwork going bad. I think I'm done with taking these toxic substances on the chance that it "might" help prevent a recurrence.


Hi there

I have benign tremors and take anestrozole. Of course my tremors got worse but as tremors aren't listed as a side effect the PA for my Oncologist is saying it can't be the medication. When I stopped in November I went back to baseline. People with my condition aren't used to determine side effects.

Don't feel heard or understood.

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