Anastazole for breast cancer and memory loss?

Posted by rosy54 @rosy54, Mar 3, 2023

Recently, my doctor stopped my Anastrozole after 5 yrs on it for breast cancer.
Since then, my memory is poor and having hard time remembering. I fear I’m developing dementia (68 yrs old) My lack of memory seems worse after stopping Anastrozole. Anyone else have similar problem?

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So true. PS, after a full 2 months on Anastrozole, I seem to be joining the "short term memory loss" group. Frustrating for me and annoying to my husband.(sad 😔)

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I blame my memory loss on Anastrozole but I’ve seen doctors about it Its felt it doesn’t affect long time memory . 🤷‍♀️I get same reactions from my family when I repeat myself without knowing it It’s frustrating to repeat myself not knowing


The list of things I have wimped out of in my life has stayed pretty small at this point. I have not added this
chapter to my list yet.

Alternatives remain a choice. As you mentioned - diet and diligence with mammograms and MRIs remain viable options.

I will look forward to updates from you. ❤️

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I had to revisit what I said here make sure what I said. Happy to see:
“The list of things I have wimped out of in my life has stayed pretty small at this point. I have not added this
chapter to my list yet.”


So true. PS, after a full 2 months on Anastrozole, I seem to be joining the "short term memory loss" group. Frustrating for me and annoying to my husband.(sad 😔)

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He shoukd b so lucky that it isn’t him who got cancer!! 😡


Hi, I am on the estrogen blocker Exemestane and have been on this blocker for a year next month.
My pet scans have shown a decrease in my nodules. However, since April this year, I have been experiencing severe pain in my hands and constant numbness, and I have also lost strength in my hands. The neurologist said I had carpel tunnel in my right hand and wanted to do surgery to release the pain. But I am sure if I went off the blocker, the pain would stop.

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Ask your oncologist for a break from hormone blockers for a couple months and see if the pain improves. I have taken breaks from hormone blockers and in my case it really helped me to determine side effects.


Well written i often thought if estrogen has a play in my memory issues. I’ve been told I have moderate dementia starting ( only 69)😢
I have a lot of white matter on brain. Is it also due to diabetes? Scares me to think this. I still feel chemo played a part of my diminishing memory. Is there more articles on blocking estrogen on prevention memory loss?

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Bi Rosy54
I am pulling my research out and will send you what I have. Just wanted you to know I saw your post 😍


I researched “brain fog” and “muscle and joint” side effects. I was curious what else besides estrogen being blocked from the breast to help prevent breast cancer where else was being blocked from estrogen

It turns out that the benefits of Anastrozole which I was taking actually robbed estrogen from my brain and joints/muscles.

It explained so much to me re my muscle and joint issues. I was denying my muscles and joints of something they vitally needed - estrogen!

The Brain Fog was more subtle to me until I read my research further. My basic personality had changed and I thought it was depression from my continuing and progressive joint pain. It was more than that. Realizing how the brain needed estrogen gave me additional very important considerations as I entered a 3 month hiatus from Anastrozole sanctioned by my oncologist.

The results have given me my life back on some very consequential levels. I have another month on my hiatus and will then have a much more knowledgeable conversation with my oncologist.

Bottom line here is (in my opinion) Anastrozole (that I have been taking) doesn’t CAUSE brain issues and muscle/joint issues - it INVITES them. I was told continuously that it wasn’t Anastrozole that caused the pain I was experiencing - it was arthritis.
When researched it provided the more accurate explanation -
The lack of estrogen from Anastrozole was INVITING arthritis! My knee has come back to normal and my brain to appreciate the value of focus once again.

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@ginip your post has great info. How long have you been on Anastrozole? I was on for 2 1/2 yrs. I had taken vacations from the med several times for a month and then 2 months I believe. The relief from hip pain & fog (looking back I was not myself, I describe as a fog over me) wasn’t really improved. After deciding to stop Anastrozole, it took at least 6 months for me to be back to myself. The hip pain was very bad. I could not hardly get in or out of the car or walk.
Have that discussion w/ your oncologist. It would be good to keep a daily log of how you feel each day. It’s difficult to separate out everyday ‘how I feel’ from ‘how I feel being off med’. Blessings to you.


Bi Rosy54
I am pulling my research out and will send you what I have. Just wanted you to know I saw your post 😍

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I am not great at this but forwarding (I hope) some helpful/interesting info for you!



I am not great at this but forwarding (I hope) some helpful/interesting info for you!


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Ok. One document would not go thru. I just googled it:

The Coversation - Jeffrey D. Blaustein
What women with breast cancer should know about estrogens.


Ok. One document would not go thru. I just googled it:

The Coversation - Jeffrey D. Blaustein
What women with breast cancer should know about estrogens.

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Here is a other one to Google -
The Choice to Walk Away From Aromatase Inhibitors
Bonnie Annis


I am not great at this but forwarding (I hope) some helpful/interesting info for you!


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A bit off the point maybe, but I can say with the utmost certainty, that Anastrozole is tge cause if my back pain!! I had MRI on 13 July and got results this morning. No secondary cancer, which was my biggest fear, no arthritis. I have age related, I’m 71, wear and tare!! Thus woukd not account for my back and joint pain to the extent the amount that I’m suffering. I spoke to my breast care nurse in Magnolia clinic this morning- much better than going through my gp surgery, and she read out the results of my MRI and explained it to me. She also read out a letter from my oncologist who said ‘ there is no point changing me from Anastrozole to exemestane ad I woukd have the same side effects!! I can’t write down here what I said by suffice to say a medication change is in the making. I was so angry to hear this arrow man tell me he knew all about the side effects of Anastrozole!! Had great been taking it for nearly 2 years!!’ 🤣🤣The relief of my good results outweighed this man for about 5 mins. I sent email to my GP saying I wanted nothing more to do with this arrogant man- he is obviously an expert in womens bodies🤬. The cheek of him!! They saying goes like this - walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me you know how I feel!! The wine is opened and I’m going to relax and have a lovely lunch. The fear in me over the last few weeks, in fact the last year is indescribable. I know you ladies in here know what I mean. Slainte and love from s very happy Irish ☘️ woman ❤️❤️❤️

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