Anal Pain

Posted by thedaleys @thedaleys, Jul 2, 2023

My wife has been diagnosed with an anal fissure that has been causing her excruciating pain for 15 months! Sometimes she is crying from the pain. We have been prescribed various ointments and tried others to no avail. I am at a desperate point right now to help my wife. Botox? I really don't know. Soliciting suggestions.

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Hello, I am so sorry for this hell your wife is going through!
My father had this problem and it was recommended that he purchase Doseright applicators. The applicators that came with his cream weren't long enough to reach the problem. You can read the reviews.
Here's the link
DoseRite® Applicators for Anal Fissure
Good luck!

@adlttl123 sorry to hear this! It is one of the most painful things that a human can have. I started with two one inch fissures in 1990 and have been dealing with it ever since. Believe me I have learned a few things. Number one does she have a Gastroenterologist? I have a friend whose doctor sewed hers up and after healing had no more problems. So there’s that. I use Anucort 25 mg suppositories and I put neosporin on them at the tip before inserting. I live in Oklahoma and here a doctor made an ointment called Woodwards Ointment. A compound pharmacy can make it and sell you a tube. It’s magic. Botox will also work I had steroid shots. They put me under with great results. I am so sad about your wife that I want to cry. Please ask me anything. You can also use private message by tapping on a person’s name. God bless.

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How do you buy the Woodwards ointment?

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