Alcohol and Risk of Reoccurence

Posted by florida11 @florida11, Jul 29, 2023

I've had a couple reoccurrences and recently underwent spot radiation treatment with Dr. Davis at Mayo (under Dr. Kwon's care plan). My diet is generally good with lots of fruits, veggies, gains, nuts, seeds, etc. I eat meat/dairy about once a week. I also exercise for 45 minutes or more each day. I'm on ADT, but I think the diet and exercise allows me to feel great each day.

I feel my biggest shortfall is that I like a martini with dinner 1-2 times a week, plus a few glasses of wine. I try to limit drinking to no more than three nights a week. While studies vary and multiple doctors have told me that alcohol does not present a risk for prostate cancer (of course it comes with other health risks), it still seems like a risk to me. But I love my wine and the thought of not drinking at all is not fun. I welcome anyone else's thoughts.

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I am in a similar situation….I enjoy my wine….live your life👍❤️


I too have my 1 ounce of Single Malt every evening and don't feel I'm poorer for it (I've been having it since my adulthood). I'm on ADT (Zoladex 10.8mg every three months and Abiraterone 1g every day) and have had 20 fractions of Radiation. I feel I drink and eat in moderation and do not wish to deprive myself of everything good just to live a few years more. I want to strike a balance between quantity and quality of life. One must decide for oneself what is best for them.
😀Discalimer: Please do not follow me. I'm not a good example.


At 78 with stage 4 in my L1 and L2 now on Xtandi daily and Xgeva and zolodex shots 3 months I had L1 radiated in 2020 1 inch taken out
My oncologist first says sugar does not feed PC and having wine in limitation 2 glasses a day is perfectly fine Chardonnay is my only drink, but I add 2 ice cubes and enjoy it just as much
As Eleanor Roosevelt said The purpose of life is to enjoy well as be close to Our Lord
I feel great PSA back to 1,7 from 9.8 just before Xtandi started Prognosis is good as even if Xtand stops working there are several other new medicines

Be positive always and pray every chance you can I love daily Mass Its my first appointment of the day Get up, get shaved, get out, get going


I am similar to many others posting. A friend gave me great advice: it’s ok to have a down (depressed) day periodically, and to give yourself a pitty party- just don’t allow two days in a row. Get up, get out, and live.


Hmmm, throughout my journey no member of my medical team has ever said "Kevin, you wouldn't be in this situation if you would quit drinking...!"

I have a drink or two most nights, rarely not, sometimes three. It varies, some nights wine, some night a couple of old fashions, margaritas....when my medical teams asks how many drinks in a week, I look them in the eye and say "on average 10-15..."

I exercise 5-7 days a week, indoor or outdoor biking, swimming, weightlifting....just got back from a 30 mile ride.

Wife and I travel, just got back from 12 days in Iceland.

Diet is generally good though all things in moderation.

So, have your drink(s), in moderation, same for diet and exercise, go skiing, hiking...



Thank you all for sharing. It's good reassurance that moderation is the way to go, rather than completely removal of certain pleasures in life.


Hmmm, throughout my journey no member of my medical team has ever said "Kevin, you wouldn't be in this situation if you would quit drinking...!"

I have a drink or two most nights, rarely not, sometimes three. It varies, some nights wine, some night a couple of old fashions, margaritas....when my medical teams asks how many drinks in a week, I look them in the eye and say "on average 10-15..."

I exercise 5-7 days a week, indoor or outdoor biking, swimming, weightlifting....just got back from a 30 mile ride.

Wife and I travel, just got back from 12 days in Iceland.

Diet is generally good though all things in moderation.

So, have your drink(s), in moderation, same for diet and exercise, go skiing, hiking...


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The funniest thing is that here no doctor asks you whether you drink or not, they do not tell you what diet to consider for keeping weight under control caused by taking ADT, whether I should exercise or not and if so how much (I'm 73 1/2 yrs). And I'm being treated by the best doctors in the best Cancer hospital chain in India. It has always been Google for me to find out what could be the long term side effects of Pred, or that having signs of gynecomastia is a side effect of the ADT drugs that I am on. Thank you Google, and thanks to this forum where I can share my thoughts and learn things from others' experiences.

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