Advice on pain under ribs right side
I really need some advice—I feel so lost and broken.
Last year, I started having pain on my right side under my ribs that sometimes radiated to my back. My bowel movements were normal, but the pain persisted. I was worried something was seriously wrong, so I went to the ER. They did a CT scan with contrast, but they found nothing. All my blood work was normal, and my CA-19 score was 7.
I then saw my gastroenterologist, who ordered a HIDA scan and an MRCP. Both tests came back normal, and no one could figure out what was going on. The pain was always worse when I sat, like I was squishing something. Eventually, after months, the pain just went away, and I don’t even know why.
Fast forward to a month ago—the pain is back, but worse. This time, I feel sharp pains on the right side of my stomach, which radiate down to my ribs and around to my back. I also have a reduced appetite and occasional nausea. After a month of dealing with it, I went to the ER again. They did an ultrasound and blood work; the blood work was normal, but the ultrasound noted:
> "The included liver is slightly increased in echogenicity, which may be due to steatosis or other hepatocellular conditions."
This time, I also have very loose stools. The only thing that seems to help a little is ibuprofen.
I told my gastroenterologist that I was worried about cancer—either pancreatic or liver—but she doesn’t think so, given all the tests I’ve had in the past eight months, including CT scans. She can't imagine something like that being missed so many times.
I’m scheduled for an MRI at the end of the month. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
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I had similar pain for months and all my tests came back normal. They did lab tests and radiology imaging CT scan. Everything was normal. The pain finally went away in about four months and then came back in a few months and then again did more testing, and nobody could discover anything wrong. I noticed when stop exercising completely and just rest the pain eventually goes away, but it usually takes a long while for it to go away, sometimes up to a few months, so I think in my case, it might be muscle related even though it feels like it’s under the rib cage on the right side.
@michael1012 I was told more or less the same by the gastroenterologist who did the biopsy that showed cirrhosis (I have had fatty liver for several years - the cirrhosis is a recent, new development) - but not enough to concern him!
I am sure had I been a man I would have got more attention. I am surprised you didn’t get that level of interest. Doctors - especially male - seem to be more proactive with their male patients than female. At least that has always been my observation.
my deepest heart felt sympathy goes out to you- and your wife. I've been battling the same conditions since 2016 and the symptoms have spread throughout my body, I went though a period of deep depression mixed with anger because each doctor said nothing was wrong even in their even in the reports written after the test( MRI, CT scan, X-ray's etc) they wrote the same thing. So I started researching what I didn't understand in my test results and upon doing so I started gaining knowledge of my conditions based on the very same information the doctors used and it has helped tremendously and it also is q
I have the exact same pain! I am a nurse and of course I think of pancreatic or liver issues. I have lost no weight. My bowels are normal. The pain was gone for about 6 months and now is back. I do exercise and use weights. It’s so frustrating!!
It's so crazy to hurt like that and can't get an answer. Even if t was muscle pain which no way at least it would be an answer
@debrn2005 I did go to see my physician on Thursday and would you believe I forgot to ask her about the CA-19 blood test? Got as far as asking for referrals for a mammogram and a podiatrist. She gave me a referral slip for the mammogram then said she could take care of my ingrown toenail herself and by the time we finished discussing the procedure my time was up and the appointment was over!
But I will ask her about the CA-19 test when I go in to get my toenail removed on April 2. Apparently the nail could take as long as a year to grow back!
Oh gosh! That's awful (about the toenail). Honestly I make a list when I see any of my Drs because I've forgotten to ask questions too. They might not like it (eye roll) but it does help me to remember! Good luck 🍀
@debrn2005 I too go in with a list, but that day after discussing my concern about the liver biopsy results - which my physician explained better than the gastroenterologist - I started on my list and the referrals happened to be on the list just ahead of the CA-19 test. Didn’t expect her to offer to treat my ingrown toenail and discuss the procedure.