Adjustable bed frames: Acid reflux after esophageal cancer treatment

Posted by Lori57216 @lori57216, Jan 22, 2022

Esophogeal cancer treatment, surgery to remove esopohagus survivor. Still suffering from bad acid reflux even with omeprazole BID. Anyone recommend an adjustable bed frame that won't break the bank. I did lift the head of my bed frame up the recommended 6" but I need a frame / mattress that also bends at the knees so I'm not sliding out of bed.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Esophageal Cancer Support Group.


No feeding tube here. They stretched my stomach up into my chest.

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Hey Lori

My husband is having this same procedure done in two weeks….
Could you share with me your recovery time in the hospital and what it looked like? How long it was and how you felt when you came out of surgery? ❤️


When I came out of surgery I don't remember much of anything as I was kept on some pretty potent drugs. But after I was coherent I didn't feel alot of pain at all. Not enough to complain about. I had a feeding tube(J tube for about 10 wks). I was up walking a short distance after about 3 days. I was scheduled to be in the hospital for a week but they extended it to 2 weeks as the drainage tube in my neck incision became infected. I can honestly say I didn't have much of any complications with this procedure.
Your husband will tire out very quickly but it's important to keep him up and walking a bit throughout the day. Best of luck. He will be just fine!!!!!

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