Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) - Treatment of 75 year old is working!

Posted by ccleschats @ccleschats, Aug 22, 2023

My 75 year old husband was diagnosed with AML on 7/19/23, after one month of worsening shortness of breath. He was scheduled for a cardiac catheterization but the surgeon called it off due to my husband's low blood counts. He suggested that he see a hematologist.

The hematologist/oncologist performed a bone marrow aspiration but was unable to take a tissue sample due to the deterioration of the bone marrow. The preliminary study indicated that the leukemic blasts were at 90%!

The following Monday, they started IV Vidaza. Given his age, the hematologist/oncologist opted for a less aggressive chemo. He also took chemo by pill (Venetoclax), He had 5 days of Vidaza but continued the Venetoclax.

The molecular studies of the bone marrow aspiration came back and showed that the mutations of the marrow cells were not targetable.

He also had weekly blood transfusions - 2 units of packed red blood cells and 1 unit of platelets. He had a reaction of rigors (shivering) to one of the platelet units so from then on, they predosed him with a steroid, benedryl and tylenol. No further issues.

On 8/14/23, his oncologist told him good news - additional molecular studies identified the IDH1 mutation, which is targetable. He drew another bone marrow aspiration. Also, his blood counts showed that his platelets were responding - 57000 vs 2000 at the start. He told him to stop the Venetoclax.
On 8/17/23, the oncology office did a blood count. The oncologist told him that he is in remission. I asked the dr. what that meant. It meant that instead of 90% blasts, he was down to less than 2 or 3% blasts.

On 8/18/23, he received 2 units red but no platelets.

We went back on 8/21/23 and the dr. said that he put in an order for a chemo pill to target the IDH1 mutation. Blood drawn and platelets were up to 140,000.

Molecular study on second bone marrow aspiration showed .3% blasts.
A lot of details, but we are cautiously optimistic. We have gone from no hope to some hope. We realize that his status can change at any moment.

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I’m so happy to hear these good results for your husband! It also gives us hope for my mom. Praying he continues to do well!


Great news! Thanks for giving others hope.


That is wonderful news! I also had the “two V’s” (Vidaza and Venetoclax), but after I had already gone through 7+3 and MEC chemo treatments. They had terrible side effects and didn’t get me into remission. When I took the two V’s, I was in remission within 2 months! Thank goodness for these two relatively new drugs! Best wishes to you and your husband.


@ccleschats, Wow, thank you so much for sharing such a positive experience with us about AML! With a blast level of 90% and now down to .3%, that’s a miracle story. ☺️This certainly gives hope to a broad group of AML patients who aren’t able to undergo the aggressive chemo and bone marrow transplants. Will you let us know how he does on the new targeted med for his IDH1 mutation?


That is wonderful news! I also had the “two V’s” (Vidaza and Venetoclax), but after I had already gone through 7+3 and MEC chemo treatments. They had terrible side effects and didn’t get me into remission. When I took the two V’s, I was in remission within 2 months! Thank goodness for these two relatively new drugs! Best wishes to you and your husband.

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Good health to you! Which mutation(s) do you have @edb1123 ?


@ccleschats, Wow, thank you so much for sharing such a positive experience with us about AML! With a blast level of 90% and now down to .3%, that’s a miracle story. ☺️This certainly gives hope to a broad group of AML patients who aren’t able to undergo the aggressive chemo and bone marrow transplants. Will you let us know how he does on the new targeted med for his IDH1 mutation?

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@loribmt - I will surely update his progress. Right now, he is feeling so much better. I expect that he will continue to need red blood cells until his hemoglobin is being made in sufficient quantities to support breathing.


I’m so happy to hear these good results for your husband! It also gives us hope for my mom. Praying he continues to do well!

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I wish your mom good health. Which mutation(s) does she have?


I wish your mom good health. Which mutation(s) does she have?

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Thank you. She has IDH2 R172K


Good health to you! Which mutation(s) do you have @edb1123 ?

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To be honest, I’m not sure. I know I didn’t have the FLT3 mutation, The initial information mentioned CD34, CD117dim, HLA-DR, and complex monosomal karyotypes, but I’m not sure what all that means. The good news is I had my 3rd rebirthday on July 22nd and I’m doing great! 😊


Thank you. She has IDH2 R172K

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Is she receiving targeted chemo for IDH2? I know that is one of the mutations for which there is a target drug.

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