Acoustic Neuroma: What treatment options and specialists?
A young family member is diagnosed with Acoustic Neuroma (AN).
The Tumor size is 2CM.
Please let me know your thoughts:
1. What type of surgery could be the best to preserve hearing, facial nerves and balancing/headaches. There are 3 options in surgery:
A. Translabyrinthine Approach
B. Retrosigmoid Approach
C. Middle Fossa Approach
2. We are not seeing Gama as an option because of young age. Please
let me know your thoughts.
3. Is headache always a comes surgery and stay in all cases ?
4. Any suggestions for Surgeons & Hospitals in CA ?
5. How long could we wait for surgery, since it is 2 CM ? We want to explore every opportunity, including Mayo. The issue is the logistic and insurance limitations.
Thank you for your support.
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Thank you for posting this. I am going to have a 2 x 1.9 cm acoustic neuroma removed and grateful to learn something more could be researched and ask my neurologist if this could be an option.
@cinlu, Well wishes and please post progress. Thanks.
Check out a Lots of good info available there.