ACDF scheduled for Wed: How did you manage sleeping post-op?

Posted by birdman518 @birdman518, Jan 17, 2022

Hello all! Finally my surgery is scheduled... all pre-op stuff done, so they are supposed to call me tomorrow with my exact time to report.
I will be have 3 levels done: C3-C6. I am supposed to be able to go home the same day, but I guess that depends on several factors. I hope I do not have to stay over in the hospital.
My only question (besides general comments which are always welcome) is for anyone who has had this done. What did you do for sleeping, and for how long? I typically sleep on my right side, but due to an arthritic hip sometimes have to toss and turn to get comfortable. Although I will have a soft collar on, I would worry about twisting too much. I don't really want to sleep in a recliner, but should I plan on it? For how long?

I would love to hear your answers..


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Here is an update after seeing my spine surgeon on Tuesday. Basically we are still in a "it's too early" pattern, meaning that I need to wait much longer to give my nerves a chance to heal. Especially my spinal cord which was being compressed pretty badly. I am basically okay with this. My C5 nerve palsy issue is better, but remember that happened as a result of my surgery! Still I will be doing more PT going forward to help repair that.
We discussed how my inability to get MRIs (due to my pacemaker) does somewhat hinder our view of what is happening. Still remember that two surgeons independently gave me the same diagnosis and Rx after seeing my neurology reports, CT scans and myelogram.

I told him that Gabapentin did not do much for me, so he prescribed some amitriptyline. I only take it once at bedtime.. so far it seems to help me sleep but hard to tell if it is that or the diphenhydramine I take.

That's about all I can remember. I did have my problems going back at least 4 years... I concede that it is possible that some permanent damage has been done. (that is why he said we miss the MRI as it could show if that were the case). But I don't think it is unreasonable to give this more time...

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I had ACDF surgery Dec. 2… yes, give it time. The healing process isn’t linear. I get frustrated, as well, but try to focus on the big picture. I’m so much better just have to wait for healing to complete ( I had said originally that I should be good by Thanksgiving( a year), so I focus on that when wishing I was all better sooner) Hang in there. If you can , keep walking …

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