Abnormal red cells.

A recent blood test showed tear cells +1 elliptocytes+1 macrocytes+1 and spherocytes+1. My red cells are 3.8. My hemaglobin is normal. My hematologist said everything looked fine. I'm a little confused. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Hi @lackingqualityhealthcare, boy do I know that feeling of ‘what’s going on?’ after seeing test results without understanding what they actually mean.

From my experience with my trip through the land of blood cancer, any blood test results really need to interpreted in context and the doctor who ordered the tests is usually in the best position to do that. Trying to figure out what the numbers mean alone often are just confusing.
From my understanding, elliptocytes are just the shape of some red cells. After researching a little, it appears that few tear drop cells are no cause for concern, especially if your hemoglobin level is normal and you said that your hemoglobin is fine.

Macrocytes refers to red blood cells which are a little larger than normal and spherocytes are a little smaller than normal.

Your hematologist is being proactive in keeping an eye on your blood numbers but currently doesn’t feel it warrants any further treatment.

I noticed in a comment you wrote to another member that you’re concerned you haven’t had a bone marrow biopsy to confirm any issues. At this time, it might not be necessary, but at the discretion of your doctor.

How frequently do you see your hematologist? Are you experiencing any symptoms?


Thank you for reaching out. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion. Also ,unexplained bruising on my forearms. It's as if I was on a blood thinner, but, I'm not. Thank you


Thank you for reaching out. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion. Also ,unexplained bruising on my forearms. It's as if I was on a blood thinner, but, I'm not. Thank you

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I can certainly understand why you’re concerned. I’d be asking a lot of questions too. Do you also bleed easily? Did you have a platelet count test?

Another question for you, have you recently received any Covid vaccination or boosters within the past 6-8 months?


Yes, I bruise very easily. My platelets are within normal range. My white cells are also normal. The problem appears to only affect my red cells. I was under the assumption +1 referred to 25%. Having 2 on the same slide, I thought 50% of my red cells were abnormal and being at 3.9 concerned me. I have had both pfizer vaccines and booster. Booster was about 10 months ago. I did not have any reactions to any of them. I wish I had more communication with my hematologist. I noticed on my online records, she stated, specified disease of the blood and blood forming organs. My liver enzymes are fine. I had an ultrasound of the liver, spleen, pancreas and gall bladder. Everything was normal. Thank you so much for your input. Ed


Yes, I bruise very easily. My platelets are within normal range. My white cells are also normal. The problem appears to only affect my red cells. I was under the assumption +1 referred to 25%. Having 2 on the same slide, I thought 50% of my red cells were abnormal and being at 3.9 concerned me. I have had both pfizer vaccines and booster. Booster was about 10 months ago. I did not have any reactions to any of them. I wish I had more communication with my hematologist. I noticed on my online records, she stated, specified disease of the blood and blood forming organs. My liver enzymes are fine. I had an ultrasound of the liver, spleen, pancreas and gall bladder. Everything was normal. Thank you so much for your input. Ed

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Also, I don't understand how my chart can say" specified disease of blood forming organs." Which is bone marrow in adults. My bone marrow has never been tested to confirm that result. My hematologist is very vague and never told me any of this. I read it on my online chart. I think it may be because I have medicaid insurance. This is all so confusing. Thank you, Ed


Yes, I bruise very easily. My platelets are within normal range. My white cells are also normal. The problem appears to only affect my red cells. I was under the assumption +1 referred to 25%. Having 2 on the same slide, I thought 50% of my red cells were abnormal and being at 3.9 concerned me. I have had both pfizer vaccines and booster. Booster was about 10 months ago. I did not have any reactions to any of them. I wish I had more communication with my hematologist. I noticed on my online records, she stated, specified disease of the blood and blood forming organs. My liver enzymes are fine. I had an ultrasound of the liver, spleen, pancreas and gall bladder. Everything was normal. Thank you so much for your input. Ed

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It would be great if we came with a full instruction manual, wouldn’t it? With a section in the back for Trouble Shooting. ☺️

In people with certain medical conditions, red blood cells have abnormal shapes. For example, in individuals with sickle cell anemia, their cells are sickle shaped. With pernicious anemia, red blood cells appear oval-shaped. The information that caught my attention was that with myleoproliferative disorders, the blood cells can appear to be tear shaped.

My search took me to an interesting site written by a pathology student regarding tear-shaped blood cells. While it mirrors some of the other articles I read on the subject, the explanation was so well written, I thought I’d share it with you.

Have you spoken to your hematologist regarding the comment on your results about “specified disease of the blood and blood forming organs”?


Also, I don't understand how my chart can say" specified disease of blood forming organs." Which is bone marrow in adults. My bone marrow has never been tested to confirm that result. My hematologist is very vague and never told me any of this. I read it on my online chart. I think it may be because I have medicaid insurance. This is all so confusing. Thank you, Ed

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Hi Ed, our replies crossed in cyber space! See my note above! ☺️


My primary care doctor is ordering a sleep study, because I wake up completely exhausted. I don't claim to be a doctor, but I do have common sense. If my red cells are low and some are abnormal, are they supplying enough oxygen while I sleep. During sleep, heart rate and circulation slow. Just a thought.


My primary care doctor is ordering a sleep study, because I wake up completely exhausted. I don't claim to be a doctor, but I do have common sense. If my red cells are low and some are abnormal, are they supplying enough oxygen while I sleep. During sleep, heart rate and circulation slow. Just a thought.

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I’m totally following your logic, Ed. Besides waking up tired, you’re also exhausted during the daytime with shortness of breath upon exertion. The standard for RBC in men is 4.7 to 6.1 million/mcL. Your count is under that at 3.9 with some abnormalities in the shapes of your red blood cells. That can inhibit the oxygen carrying ability of the cell. So, along with the decrease in amount of cells, it carries to reason this could be making you tired, especially since your heart, lungs and other organs check out fine.

It just occurred to me, you might want to consider purchasing an oximeter for a few dollars at a drugstore. I’m sure you’ve had this done at the doctor’s office. It’s the little monitor that clips on your figure tip and gives an immediate reading of your blood oxygen level. You could wear it any time. Then if the readings are low, particular between the times when you’re tired or breathless, that could be useful information for you and your medical team.
When’s your sleep study?


My primary care doctor is ordering a sleep study, because I wake up completely exhausted. I don't claim to be a doctor, but I do have common sense. If my red cells are low and some are abnormal, are they supplying enough oxygen while I sleep. During sleep, heart rate and circulation slow. Just a thought.

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Have your Iron levels been checked? I had the exact symptoms as you but found my Iron levels were extremely low which affects your Red Cell levels.. (This occurred a couple of months after the Pfizer vaccine) There is another discussion on the forum for low iron. I have had two Iron infusions and my levels are on the way back up.

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