Abnormal recurring vaginal odor
Experiencing a recurring abnormal vaginal odor over the last several years. It’s a strong onion-like smell that gets worse after physical exercise and during menstrual cycle. No abnormal discharge, no pain or itching or anything, just the strong odor. I have been seen several times by different docs and the tests for vaginal infections and bacterial vaginosis are always negative. The doctors say they can’t find anything wrong. One doctor prescribed me doxycycline which actually took away the odor for over a year, however the odor came back eventually. It went away again on its own seemingly for maybe 6 months, and now it is back again. I bathe everyday, use Dove sensitive unscented soap, I don’t use anything scented in that area. I’m at a loss, has anyone experienced anything like this or have any ideas?
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I recently experienced something similar for the first time in my life but I am 71 and obviously post-menopausal. No discharge, itching, just the strong unpleasant odor. I had a pap and exam and the doc diagnosed bacterial vaginosis due to dryness and PH changes. I had first used VagiBiom suppositories otc at Walmart which seemed to take away the odor as long as I was using them. But I was worried it might be something else, thus the exam. The doc prescribed metronidazole vaginal gel for 5 days. I then had to douche after the treatment as it left a sticky mess in the vagina as the gel never discharged like a cream would. After that, all symptoms resolved but from what I have read, bacterial vaginosis often recurs. I chalked up my experience to the woes of menopause but if you are still experiencing the odor, perhaps the doc could do a vaginal swab to see if anything grows and if nothing else, try a round of the metronidazole gel. I don’t know if it’s made in a cream instead of a gel, but if it is, that is what I would use if I ever had to do it again. Hope this helps.
I too have been having the same thing. I’ve been checked nothing also. I question if my body chemistry is off-balance. There are times everything is fine and then it comes back for a week or two then go away
I’m questioning if it can be related to my diet and stress
I’m still trying to figure it out
I wish you the best
@shootingstar could it be something that you are eating or drinking …? Or a supplement …? Perhaps eliminating certain foods/supplements and keeping a food (and drug/supplement) diary might help pinpoint the cause …?
check this Reddit link called "r/Healthyhooha"
Onion and garlic. I’ve stopped and it is better. Majority
Are you going through perimenopause or menopause? I noticed changes in odor with hormonal changes. Plus certain foods and supplements can affect body odor.