Abdominal pain with severe constipation and weight loss

Posted by sousou @sousou, Jan 1, 2018

I started to have pain on July 2017, since I have had colonoscopy, celiac test, abdominal ultra sound , endoscopy, food allergy test, two Scans and recently a RMI . All these tests were négatives. The first doctor i have seen told me that I have so much stool in my colon, that's why he asked me to take Miralax. I start loosing weight , Miralax didn't help me. I don't know what to do, I am suffering of daily pain wich radiating in my back.

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Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.



Hi @sousou,

I'd like to add my welcome, and thank you for joining Connect. I'd encourage you to read through these discussions about abdominal pain:
– Chronic Abdominal Pain https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/chronic-abdominal-pain/
– RLQ Abdominal Pain https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/rlq-abdominal-pain/
– Segmental colitis-associated diverticular disease https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/segmental-colitis-associated-diverticular-disease/

I'm also tagging @delicht @blueskyday @cconnors @cherriann @epvb @bakingchick who have written about stomach pain, and I'm certain they will join in with their thoughts.

As @hopeful33250 mentioned, we look forward to getting to know you better, @sousou


Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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Hi Teresa,

Thank you very much for your response. I consulted more than one doctor, and they all did not find nothing wrong. Two of them refered me to a pain mangement clinic. But I don't know if this will solve my constipation problem. I am presently taking meds for depression given by the last GI i saw. Regarding my medical history, I have had a parathyroid ablation 6 years ago, and since then, I am taking antiacid TUMS to compensate my calcium defeciancy caused by this ablation. I have lost 30lbs since my problem begining. I am very scared to continue to lose weight and spending my life suffiring from this terrible pain. I am thinking to go to Mayo clinic, but I don't have any insurance.

Thank you again



Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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Yes, the weight loss would concern me also. You mention parathyroid ablation, and I'm wondering if you have bone loss. Do you follow up with an endocrinologist since the parathyroid ablation? Did this problem begin shortly after the ablation? The endocrine system has a way of affecting many parts of the body.

Not having insurance adds to the uncertainty when you are not feeling well. If you are comfortable sharing more information, may I ask what state you live in?

One other thought, have you been in any accidents recently or experienced any falls?

Praying that you get some answers for your problem,



Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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@sousou Hi, Saida. Your statement about more than one doctor finding nothing wrong hit a note with me. I have known for 70 (seventy) years that something was wrong. I have gone up and down with weight, brain problems, and every organ I have left has been diagnosed with some problem or another. You can read my story free at https://bit.Ly/1w7j4j8 "Amyloidosis Dossier..." Probably 60 doctors have told me there is nothing wrong, that the lab reports were not reliable, that I was "psycho", the medicine was made in China, etc. But now I think I know the truth. I have a form of Amyloidosis. The weight loss, and the lab reports, and even a few of the doctor reports have said as much. Anyway, I think you should go to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. They are better prepared to handle this. In the meantime, watch and learn from their videos and other writings. Especially the Grand Rounds videos. Ask your doctor to watch the one "What the doctor should know about Amyloidosis." And you watch it as well. And the others. Anyway, what you describe fits Amyloidosis, especially Hereditary Primary Systemic Transthyretin Wild Type. (short form: hATTRwt). There are probably a couple thousand mutations of Amy, although we don't know all of them yet. One great book on the subject is from Mayo's Morey Gertz, MD, "Amyoidosis - Diagnosis and Treatment" It is expensive, but well worth the money. Also, Kenneth Kee has a couple, and NIH.gov has a stack or two articles and papers. Don't rely on your doctor to be up to date. Study for yourself, and find a strong hematologist.


Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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Hi @sousou,

If you would like to find out more about insurance at Mayo Clinic, please call
Patient Account Services at 800-660-4582.

This webpage http://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/billing-insurance/insurance provides information on insurance at Mayo Clinic which includes:

Insurance types
Approval from insurers
Guidance for denied claims
International patients
Uninsured (self-pay) or underinsured patients
Insurance FAQs
Glossary of billing and insurance terms
Contact numbers and online form


Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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Hello Teresa,
Yes, I was followed by an endocrinologist, but not now. My abdominal problems began last July. I have a begining of Osteoporosis.

I am from Cincinnati, Ohio

Best regards



Hi @sousou,

I'd like to add my welcome, and thank you for joining Connect. I'd encourage you to read through these discussions about abdominal pain:
– Chronic Abdominal Pain https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/chronic-abdominal-pain/
– RLQ Abdominal Pain https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/rlq-abdominal-pain/
– Segmental colitis-associated diverticular disease https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/segmental-colitis-associated-diverticular-disease/

I'm also tagging @delicht @blueskyday @cconnors @cherriann @epvb @bakingchick who have written about stomach pain, and I'm certain they will join in with their thoughts.

As @hopeful33250 mentioned, we look forward to getting to know you better, @sousou

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Thank you very much for your response and for the informations.



Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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Hello Oldkari,

Thank you very much for taking time to give me this information. I will discuss with my doctor about this condition (Amyloidosis), but i have a question : does Amyloidosis cause severe constipation?

I will try to go to Mayo clinic in Rochester.

Thank you again



Hello @sousou and welcome to Mayo Connect. We are pleased that you have joined our online patient support community.

I am sorry to hear about your long-standing abdominal pain and constipation - that sounds very uncomfortable. I'm glad to hear that the extensive testing has ruled out more serious digestive diagnoses, but I also know that being able to put a label on a long-standing problem allows you to get treatment and help.

Here is a link to a Mayo website that will give you more information about the treatment of constipation, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/constipation/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20354259, please read through this article, it may offer some suggestions that would be helpful

You mentioned that a doctor suggested using Miralax. Were there any other suggestions such as lifestyle changes (I'm thinking of diet, increased liquid intake, exercises to tone up the abdominal muscles, etc.)? You also mentioned that you are losing weight - would you mind sharing how much weight you have lost? Also, I'm just wondering if you have other health problems, or if you take meds that might contribute to constipation?

Please remember that a second opinion is always an appropriate next step in finding an answer to your problems.

We look forward to getting to know you as you post. We will try to encourage and support you as you seek answers.


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@sousou Hi, Saida. Glad to help. And for your question, ABSOLUTELY Amyloidosis causes sever constipation. And it alternates with very bad diarrhea. Mine alternates, changes to the other, about ever 4-7 days. I take a generic Miralax (I get mine from a big box pharma) for about half the brand price) for constipation. Mayo, Alnylam, Sloan-Kettering and many others have much info on Amy. A great place to start is the Amyloidosis Foundation.org. At this point it is not curable, but you can do a lot to relieve it. As I said there are a lot of signs and symptoms, so there is no excuse for putting off a diagnosis. I hope you have downloaded by Amyloidosis Dossier V 18 in whatever format you like. PDF, DOCX, whatever. https://bit.Ly?1w7j4j8 And be sure to have your doctor talk with alnylamact.com to get you into their genetic program and medical stuff.

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