Abbott BurstDR strength setting

Posted by vincescs @vincescs, Sep 29, 2023

I'm curious to know what strength setting your spinal cord stimulator is set at for anyone implanted with an Abbott device that uses BurstDR technology.

I had a good trial and significant pain reduction after my permanent implant, but feel like the device has become less effective over time. I'm now 6 months post-op and feel like the device is no longer providing much relief at all.

I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon and the device rep in two weeks but want to experiment with different settings between now and then. However, I know it's possible to overstimulate the nerves and create irritation and pain at settings that are too high. My initial strength setting was at 7, then I increased to 8 a couple of weeks post-op. I briefly increased to 9 after a muscle spasm flare up and then returned back to 8.

I felt a little more confident experimenting with settings on my Medtronic device with tonic stimulation, but the Abbott BurstDR technology is more difficult to determine the delayed impact of adjustments due to the lack of paresthesia.

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@vincescs You seem to be pretty good at figuring out things about your spinal cord stimulator. Perhaps you have already had your follow up with your doctor and the device rep about this or that is coming very soon. That's a pretty specific question that probably should be addressed by a medical professional. I don't have any experience with these devices. I hope you'll come back and share what you learn after seeing your specialist.

How soon is your followup appointment?


My Boston WaveWriter rep is very responsive (same day) to all my questions whether I text or call them. I can also ask for an in person meeting, it doesn't need to be at a doctor appointment. This sounds like one of those questions and I would call them. I hope you get relief and comfortable with your device.


Thanks for the feedback. The Abbott device reps have been responsive when I need their help. I'm waiting for my upcoming doctor appointment to see them since my main complaint is due to the anchor hardware that secures the leads.


I have the Abbott Proclaim DRG stimulator. I’m two months post-op. I’m still in that period where I’m struggling to get and maintain pain relief. I’ll have a day where I have 60% relief, then the next day not so much. I have 2 leads for S2 and S3. I’m working with an Abbott representative, but am trying to fine tune. The Abbott reps have been very responsive when I ask them what would they do when I give them my pain symptoms. I have experienced the nerve being overstimulated, and that causes so much discomfort. I need more programs as I have only one. Right now I am trying to get Area 1 to a good level. The pain last Friday @ level 8 was not too bad, but the next day, the area was aching so I put it up to 9; now this morning, Sunday, it’s back down to 8 because of the pain. It’s very tricky, but at least I am getting some relief. I’m wondering if I should give it a day or two and go down to 7 next time. I just had x-rays done to make sure these leads are intact.

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