8 months in and no relief
I feel like a hot mess of medical issues. 10 yr Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma survivor. Shortly after that, I was exhausted 24/7 and had crazy bad muscle/ joint pain, PA ordered lab work and there was Chronic EBV. Was told I had to ‘ride it out’. A few yrs I was ok, EBV #’s were down but still with the chronic pain/fatigue. Back in Sept ‘22, I went to our company Dr and she said ‘ just some kind of virus that’s going around’. I’ve been miserable since. PA ordered more lab work and he said my EBV #’s were ‘off the charts’ and my ‘immune system was shot’., #’s were 10 times the normal range. I work in a Drs office so I’m über careful. I clench and grind my teeth 24/7, so now I’ve got a screeching case of TMJ (went to the Dentist a a couple wks ago and he saw a bunch of stress fractures on all of my teeth). Was in the ER last wknd with the worst migraine Ive ever had. Usually did Ketoralac IM, my PA threw a fit when he found out another Dr put me on that (found out the hard way not all Drs look at your meds list), Ketoralac is horrible for your kidneys. I was given Fioracet. Headaches are now 24/7. I can’t eat much from the jaw pain. Muscle and joint pain are insane. I like to think that my cats lie close to me and purr to help heal me!!! The ER Dr gave me a ‘migraine cocktail’ of Ketoralac, Benadryl and Reglan, knocked out the migraine in mins!! Working 40+ hrs a wk and taking care of my family is so hard. The thought of eating a bullet seems like a reprieve, but trust me, I NEVER would do something so drastic, I have a fam and 4 grandkids that need their Grama. It’s probably been asked a million times, but CBD, gummies, Delta-8 a good idea? Has it worked for anyone? I have to watch my kidneys, my GFR hovers at 40. My Dr did prescribe Gabapentin a few days ago , does that help? Been waiting since Feb for a referral to an infectious disease Dr, do they help or will they just tell me to, again, ‘ride it out’. My husband did find a homeopathic guy who said he works a lot with EBV and said he’s successful. Has anyone gone that route? I do apologize for my long back story.
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