Third opinion on potential fibromyalgia diagnosis

Posted by lisabeans @lisabeans, Sep 21, 2017

I have gone to see a 3rd rheumatologist for another opinion. He looked over my past blood results and examined me. While he did agree with the fibromylagia diagnosis from my second opinion. He said my positive ana was low (1:160 homogeneous) so it could be a false positive. He was also surprised that no one has repeated the blood test. We both agree that it would be better to have fibro instead of an inflammatory issue. Obviously not having anything at all would be great. He does want me to retake the ana and some other labs. He did mention a blood test that takes about 2 weeks to get answers but it further studies the blood work to see if it in inflammatory at all. He was very personable and explained everything to me in a way that no other doctor has so far. I am patiently awaiting the blood test results. He also said that my tonsils are huge. He feels that might be a cause of my exhaustion and maybe even some of the pain. He said lack of sleep makes pain worse. Has anyone ever heard of this?

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I know just what you mean, l also am going for a 3rd opinion at first l didn't really think l needed to but l am also not getting any answers why my Ana. They are really not saying anything. And when l saw the neurologist at the Mayo Clinic she told me l didn't need to go back to the rheumontologist for her to explain why they are high. So l am going to my 3rd and if l don't get answer l will go to my 4th. As a patient you want to know what to do to bring it down. I am really not impressed with doctors today. Well l hope you get all the answers so you can feel better.


I went back to my third guy. I love him. My Ana was negative as were most other labs. My c50 was low. He said being on the arava could have an effect on the labs. He also said that since I do get relief from the arava, it may just be inflammatory. He put me on prednisone for 2 weeks. 20 mg for the first week, then decrease by 5 every 2 days. I felt awesome on it. All my joint pain was gone. I did have some burning pain in my shoulders and thighs bit it was so manageable. Now off the prednisone, slowly my pain is coming back. I go back Monday so he can figure out the next steps. So glad I went for a 3rd opinion. Hope your appointment goes well. Keep us posted.


I definitely will Thank you so much for your post


Went back to the rheumatologist today. Since I responded so well to the prednisone, he said it is definitely inflammatory. Back to unknown inflammatory issue but said all the diseases are treated pretty much the same way. He is adding in plaquanel to my meds. Hopefully it help ease the pain.

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