25 Fractions IMRT PROSTATE RADIATION Completed Yesterday
Iam so happy that I can stay home today!
I went 25 times over 5 weeks.
I finally "went along" with Oncologists insisting on IMRT.
After all is said and done, I have no immediate complaints, now waiting to have blood tests, scans, whatever, in 2 weeks.
I am still on ORGOVYX, now in the 7th month.
After having the whole array of side effects in the earlier months, my side effects now have become very minimal.
I do continue to have daily diarrhea. I likely cannot attribute this to ORGOVYX or Radiation, as I was having that before my Prostate cancer was diagnosed.
I am tired ..... of everything. I need some good news!
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Paul 28 how are you doing ?
Is this cancer thing still on our minds ? It is on mine. I can’t seem to shake it. Is this normal . I want to just put it out of my mind. Any thoughts from anyone out there ?
In my humble opinion IMRT is underrated in these discussions. I believe it has a better GU acute profile than SBRT or even MRI SBRT. GI profile is same or slightly better than SBRT. While not overwhelmingly better. It seems very competent treatment.
Neil Martin did you do radiation for your treatment ? If so how did you make out ?
I did Proton, but with the understanding that it was equivalent to IMRT. It may have some advantages in long term secondary cancers but it’s a small chance with either. I just happen to be very close to Fred Hutch Seattle Proton center. I would consider the treatments equal as outlined in Partiql study.