Treating PMR with Prednisone and Hydroxychloroquine

Posted by joeblo746 @joeblo746, Aug 17, 2022

My doctor just added Hydroxychloroquine to my PMR treatment. He said it helps Prednisone do it's job. Seems like there are more side effects associated with it then there are with the Prednisone. Does anyone know if the Hydroxychloroquine helps. Also heard Hydroxychloroquine can take up to three months to build up enough in your system to be therapeutic.

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No. Losing the weight was a separate conscious decision based on diet and some moderate exercise.
I use intermittent fasting on a 23/1 basis and keep intake to approx. 80% of BMR duing the hour that I eat.


Do you feel that H helped you maintain your weight?

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My apologies. I thought I had answered this.
No the H didn't have an effect on the weight loss.
That was more to do with 23/1 intermittent fasting, moderate exercise and keeping my caloric intake @ 80% of my BMR.
I really believe reducing the weight put less stress on the body as whole and also helped with the pain management.


I want to post my most recent experience with hydroxycholoquine (H) to reduce my prednisone (P) use. I have posted before on this subject, but here is more information and there is one question that I have that I would like any input on. A brief review. I have been on and off P for about 30 years due to PMR. When I was diagnosed 30 years ago, I had never heard of PMR, yet when I went to well respected and education rheumatologist I recited the symptoms of PMR as if I read it from a text book. basically pain for no reason in my shoulder girdle and hip girdle and fatigue. Based on my history the MD Rx P and withing 6 hours I was a new man. I was able to reduce P to zero, but about a year later I got PMR symptoms again. I know the symptoms very well and every time P immediately solved my problem. For reasons other than PMR I had to increase my P to 10mg and my rheumatologist wanted to reduce P and started H 200 mg 2X/d. Due to sleep problems I reduced H to 200 mg in the morning. and have reduced P from 10 to 7.5 to 5 and now 4 mg. I have reduced P from 10 to 0 mg maybe 15 times, but never so easily. Often in the past I would have to up my P since when I reduced it I started to have PMR pain again. Now my question: I am wondering since it is so easy to reduce P am I in remission? My rheumatologist told me that PMR usually lasts 2 years. Yes, I know I told you I have had it for 30 years. Do 78 yo go into remission? In the past 30 years I have see 5 rheumatologist and 2 of them question if I have PMR even though P has always been the magic bullet, that is immediate relief.


I want to post my most recent experience with hydroxycholoquine (H) to reduce my prednisone (P) use. I have posted before on this subject, but here is more information and there is one question that I have that I would like any input on. A brief review. I have been on and off P for about 30 years due to PMR. When I was diagnosed 30 years ago, I had never heard of PMR, yet when I went to well respected and education rheumatologist I recited the symptoms of PMR as if I read it from a text book. basically pain for no reason in my shoulder girdle and hip girdle and fatigue. Based on my history the MD Rx P and withing 6 hours I was a new man. I was able to reduce P to zero, but about a year later I got PMR symptoms again. I know the symptoms very well and every time P immediately solved my problem. For reasons other than PMR I had to increase my P to 10mg and my rheumatologist wanted to reduce P and started H 200 mg 2X/d. Due to sleep problems I reduced H to 200 mg in the morning. and have reduced P from 10 to 7.5 to 5 and now 4 mg. I have reduced P from 10 to 0 mg maybe 15 times, but never so easily. Often in the past I would have to up my P since when I reduced it I started to have PMR pain again. Now my question: I am wondering since it is so easy to reduce P am I in remission? My rheumatologist told me that PMR usually lasts 2 years. Yes, I know I told you I have had it for 30 years. Do 78 yo go into remission? In the past 30 years I have see 5 rheumatologist and 2 of them question if I have PMR even though P has always been the magic bullet, that is immediate relief.

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Well, my second occurrence of PMR went into remission about 5+ years ago and I'm now 80 years old hoping it never comes back. I was on prednisone for 18 months for the second occurrence and that started after 6 years of being in remission. My first time with PMR took 3 and half years to taper off of prednisone. I think I did much better the second time around because I learned more about the condition and what I could do to live a better lifestyle to help manage the PMR.


Thank you for your reply. It gives me some confidence. I will keep the group posted on what happens to me PMR.


I want to post my most recent experience with hydroxycholoquine (H) to reduce my prednisone (P) use. I have posted before on this subject, but here is more information and there is one question that I have that I would like any input on. A brief review. I have been on and off P for about 30 years due to PMR. When I was diagnosed 30 years ago, I had never heard of PMR, yet when I went to well respected and education rheumatologist I recited the symptoms of PMR as if I read it from a text book. basically pain for no reason in my shoulder girdle and hip girdle and fatigue. Based on my history the MD Rx P and withing 6 hours I was a new man. I was able to reduce P to zero, but about a year later I got PMR symptoms again. I know the symptoms very well and every time P immediately solved my problem. For reasons other than PMR I had to increase my P to 10mg and my rheumatologist wanted to reduce P and started H 200 mg 2X/d. Due to sleep problems I reduced H to 200 mg in the morning. and have reduced P from 10 to 7.5 to 5 and now 4 mg. I have reduced P from 10 to 0 mg maybe 15 times, but never so easily. Often in the past I would have to up my P since when I reduced it I started to have PMR pain again. Now my question: I am wondering since it is so easy to reduce P am I in remission? My rheumatologist told me that PMR usually lasts 2 years. Yes, I know I told you I have had it for 30 years. Do 78 yo go into remission? In the past 30 years I have see 5 rheumatologist and 2 of them question if I have PMR even though P has always been the magic bullet, that is immediate relief.

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My rheumatologist put me on Prednisone and Hydroxychloroquine for PMR 3-1/2 years ago. After a few flareups I took my last Prednisone 5 days ago. So far so good. A little stiffness in my right shoulder when trying to get out of bed,, but it dissipates after I'm up.. I'm holding my breath every morning hoping the symptoms don't come back. For an 81 year old I figure I'm doing okay.


I want to post my most recent experience with hydroxycholoquine (H) to reduce my prednisone (P) use. I have posted before on this subject, but here is more information and there is one question that I have that I would like any input on. A brief review. I have been on and off P for about 30 years due to PMR. When I was diagnosed 30 years ago, I had never heard of PMR, yet when I went to well respected and education rheumatologist I recited the symptoms of PMR as if I read it from a text book. basically pain for no reason in my shoulder girdle and hip girdle and fatigue. Based on my history the MD Rx P and withing 6 hours I was a new man. I was able to reduce P to zero, but about a year later I got PMR symptoms again. I know the symptoms very well and every time P immediately solved my problem. For reasons other than PMR I had to increase my P to 10mg and my rheumatologist wanted to reduce P and started H 200 mg 2X/d. Due to sleep problems I reduced H to 200 mg in the morning. and have reduced P from 10 to 7.5 to 5 and now 4 mg. I have reduced P from 10 to 0 mg maybe 15 times, but never so easily. Often in the past I would have to up my P since when I reduced it I started to have PMR pain again. Now my question: I am wondering since it is so easy to reduce P am I in remission? My rheumatologist told me that PMR usually lasts 2 years. Yes, I know I told you I have had it for 30 years. Do 78 yo go into remission? In the past 30 years I have see 5 rheumatologist and 2 of them question if I have PMR even though P has always been the magic bullet, that is immediate relief.

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30 years is encouraging, I started 7 years ago at 55 and figured I wouldn’t last anywhere near 30 years taking Pred. I too take HQC on and off, I really don’t think it does much good for PMR but with Covid around I think it might help with that.


<p>I had PMR diagnosed 3 years ago.... been through the Prednisone route, weaning off of it, but never in remission. I am unable to take any antiinflammatory (NSAID) due to the anticoagulants I am on. Finally, my rheumatologist recommended Hydroxy.... I am doing well... without side effects!!</p>


Hello @loresathome. I combined your discussion with an existing discussion titled, "Treating PMR with Prednisone and Hydrochloroquine" -

@ncgal, @jfannarbor, and @mijaka011 have shared their experiences with using hydrochloroquine in addition to prednisone for PMR. It is great to hear you are doing well with your new treatment. Have you been successful then in tapering your prednisone?


I started at 10 mg of prednisone (P) and went to 5 and on on to 4 mg of P. My history is I have had PMR off and on for 30 years. I have never been able to reduce P as easily as now. The problem is I am experience increase stiffness, to a degree I have never had with PMR. So I do not know if this is just another symptom of PMR or arthritis.

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