Lump in neck but ct scan is normal

Posted by m83 @m83, Jan 15, 2024

I am 40F and have a marble size lump on my left side, under ear and along jaw line (parotid gland area). It does not hurt and feels fixed in place but a bit squishy. It has been there for 13 years (started out pea size) and I have never gotten an answer as to what it is so I asked my GP about looking into it.

I recently had a ct scan that showed no mass and I was told it was most likely a cyst. I was referred to a dermatologist to have it removed. The dermatologist says that it feels like a lymph node and referred me to an ENT whom I will see later this week.

In the meantime, I am trying to find some answers as to the confusion. Wouldn't the ct scan have confirmed what the lump is? How serious is this? What will the ENT do that the other doctors I have seen haven't done?

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The ENT may needle biopsy it. That’s what my ENT did.


Hi my name is Robin, I read your post and it reads just like mine. How are you doing as of right now? So, right now you are going to an ENT! I would love to hear what your ENT has to say.
My situation is, the back of my neck started swelling then the swelling started merging to the left side of my neck. It hurts to turn my neck and to wear my sleep apnea wear at night. My neck looks like someone has hit me in the throat. I had a ct scan & an ultra sound done. It showed I had enlarged lymph nodes. They proceeded to say watch it for another week to see if the swelling decreases if not “find”someone to address the issue. If the swelling goes away then I’m ok. I’m scared and worried and all I get is wait! I don’t know what the rules are on here about this so if saying this offends you I will not say it again.
I will be Praying for a quick recovery


I appreciate the comments; sorry I didn't have time to respond but I really am grateful. I just wanted to give an update. I had my ENT appointment today. His opinion is that I have a small parotid gland tumor. Luckily, these tumors are usually benign. There are two options for treatment. The first is to get an US and monitor the tumor every 3-4 months; the tumor is too small to biopsy. The second is to get surgery to remove it and send it off to pathology to see if it is benign or malignant. I am leaning towards the surgery since I have had this tumor for such a long time already and am ready to get it out.

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