Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

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A little joke here- don’t be concerned about the “road not taken” as “all roads lead to Rome” (lower extremity numbness, weakness, impaired balance, and often pain).
I appreciate that you and NJEd regularly point out the importance of dealing as best you can with what you’ve got that particular day/hour.
I’ve been surprised how much the PT balance and strengthening exercises have helped. Our Mentor, John, inspired me to get a good exercise bike and that has really helped with lower leg strength for walking. I now have an ankle foot orthosis, as recommended by the PT, every little bit helps.
For me, a big part of acknowledging and accepting the PN symptoms is doing a myriad of little things for added safety, while up on my feet. At my age, avoiding falls is so important. Good luck with your upcoming appointment.

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“A little joke here- don’t be concerned about the ‘road not taken’ as ‘all roads lead to Rome’.”

They must. The last time my partner and I were in Rome, we could barely see the Colosseum, thanks to all the tourists. 🙂

I ride my stationary bike at least once each day. I’ve not noticed my leg strength improving; however, that’s one of the questions I plan to ask the neurologist: Does PN diminish a person’s best efforts at improving muscle strength?

“For me, a big part of acknowledging and accepting the PN symptoms is … “

Ah, the ol’ acknowledging and accepting’ challenge! I face that daily. I’m often reminded of what it was like in my pre-PN days when I’d do something stupid like stub my toe and immediately look around to see if anyone was watching. I’m still in that phase with my PN where I try to make my visible symptoms a little less visible, like when people are around trying to make my wobbly walk a little less wobbly, only to end up even wobblier! I try instead to channel Robert DeNiro: “You lookin’ at me? Yeah, I’m wobbly. Somethin’ wrong with that?” 🙂

Ray (@ray666)


I have big feet. I do not seem to get socks that fit my feet. Help!

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Look online for compression socks for diabetics (even though you may not be diabetic) as those socks often run larger or look at comp. socks for men. You might find something to try.


"I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing."

I have exact same thing, since 2019. No obvious cause. B12 was low, but has been fine since taking shots and supplements. A1C is high end of normal range (5.3-5.5) but still, normal.

FWIW I will say this: I am pretty sure that losing weight and reducing carbs would help a lot, but I have idiotically not done that yet. Worse is I recently gained 15 pounds and my feet are worse (more numb) -- so that is one data point about what causes the numbness. I am now 220 (6'-1"). I bet if I could get down to a more ideal weight, like 185, it would help a lot. If you are not overweight, then never mind, but perhaps others here are.

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Besides having numb feet I now have numbness in my right hand.
Started about year ago,gradually in my fingers and now totally involves my right hand.
I can’t hold certain objects, like forks or knives, and I try using my left hand as much as I can.
I was wondering if this is related to my CIDP or could this be a result of a hand nerve compression issue,since it’s only my right hand.
Should I see a hand doctor?


Besides having numb feet I now have numbness in my right hand.
Started about year ago,gradually in my fingers and now totally involves my right hand.
I can’t hold certain objects, like forks or knives, and I try using my left hand as much as I can.
I was wondering if this is related to my CIDP or could this be a result of a hand nerve compression issue,since it’s only my right hand.
Should I see a hand doctor?

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@harley22 I look forward to reading the replies you receive. Lately, I've noticed more and more difficulty holding on to things. For me, it's both hands equally. This being winter, I've been blaming my dropping things on cold, chapped hands, but now I'm wondering if I've only been fooling myself. –Ray (@ray666)


When I look on Amazon for “Sprinkles,” all I see are little cake decorating thingies. Where do you find it?

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do a search for THC Sprinkle There is no s at the end. my bad Hope that helps Let me know


Have you tried cannabis? a product I use, with great success, is a product called Sprinkles. D0 a Google on it. if you can find it or its legal for you it is worth the $24 per box of 10 doses at 10mg each. i drink it dissolved in coffee. try it

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Sadly in my state in Australia, NSW Cannabis is an illegal substance so the only way you can get it is through a doctor’s script. It’s so expensive as well. Archaic !!!


@ray666 -- Rsy, sounds like you have the information together for the doctor. When I went to Mayo in Rochester, the timeline of my progression, along with testing, helped the doctor give me a diagnosis, not a cause but where the nerves are being damaged. Lately, I've been scratching my head wondering why peripheral neuropathy impacts most people in their 60's and 70's. Again, I say most because I'm aware this horrible disease can affect folks well under 60 years of age. My wife recently reminder me that I talked about a tingle in some toes back in 2007 when I was 57. She remembers, I don't. So, I guess that is when the numbness likely started. A mystery for sure.

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I really believe my neuropathy developed shortly after I had covid.


Been on oral chemo for 2 years, for CLL. Am 88 years old. Numbness and loss of sensation in both hands has developed and I have symptoms 90% of my awake time. Doctors do not say it is side effect of treatment, I think it is. Also my hair's thinning and dryness is something I was not told about when treatment started. I just finished a round of iron infusions (2nd time in 1 year). Anyone else experiencing similar conditions?


I started wearing compression socks when I get up to when I go to bed , it's much better.
Good luck to you, hope you get relief soon

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I would like to add, Neuropathy shoes.
I bought a TEVA, RE-Ember Shoe, $50.00, Getting compliments!
My toes hurt so much could not find a comfortable show, but now I can walk much better no real pain.
So I thought It would help,
Have a good day!


I would like to add, Neuropathy shoes.
I bought a TEVA, RE-Ember Shoe, $50.00, Getting compliments!
My toes hurt so much could not find a comfortable show, but now I can walk much better no real pain.
So I thought It would help,
Have a good day!

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Thank you for that info. Another shoe that is excellent for neuropathy is Sketchers. You have to work with the different sole types so that you get the correct ones. I have lived with Sketchers for about 4 years now.

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