Evenity Side Effects

Posted by cincy @cincy, Dec 27, 2023

Has anyone had severe back pain and burning sensation on Evenity after just starting ?And how long does it last or is it a sign to try another medication?It starts about 7 days after the injection and pain is severe you can’t do a thing.Thanks.

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Hi I am starting my first Evenity injection at the end of January and am terrified of the side effects. Has anyone had a positive experience with Evenity? Is there anything you have taken before the injection that may help. My doctor will give me a xanax to help with the anxiety before. Thank you!

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Hello @rjkesal123, I combined your discussion with an existing discussion on Evenity side effect concerns so you could read through and meet other members either experiencing side effects or who share your similar concerns about starting evenity, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/evenity-7/.

@cincy, @leslie2121, and @bebea5 have all shared differing experiences with evenity. It is always difficult to start a new medication, especially those that carry lists with strong possible side-effects. @rjkesal123, if you are comfortable sharing, is this the first osteoporosis medication you have been prescribed, or have you tried other treatments prior?


Thank you for sharing.
I plan to transition off Evenity. I have an appt. with the endocrinologist next week to decide which medication is next and best for me, if any.
This is a complex disease. With overlapping issues like arthritics, it makes it difficult to know what is best for the body. I know what is best for my spirit....
Medical professional have different treatment methods. OP meds have moderate success rate. The journey continues.

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@bebea5- What has changed your mind about Evenity? I am trying to make a decision and would like to know the "why" of your decisions, the side effects, etc. if you don't mind, of course.

Thank you,


@cincy- Hello. I'm thinking of starting a medication for Osteoporosis, but I'm on the line about it. I broke my back last year and am still recovering. I know what back pain feels like and before the dr. put me on a muscle relaxer I was writhing on my bed. It was like someone was squeezing my back muscles as tight as could be. And this pain came in waves. Outside of labor this is the most awful pain the I have ever had.

Can you describe your pain, please? Was it sharp, burning, stabbing, shooting, etc...

Thank you,


@cincy- Hello. I'm thinking of starting a medication for Osteoporosis, but I'm on the line about it. I broke my back last year and am still recovering. I know what back pain feels like and before the dr. put me on a muscle relaxer I was writhing on my bed. It was like someone was squeezing my back muscles as tight as could be. And this pain came in waves. Outside of labor this is the most awful pain the I have ever had.

Can you describe your pain, please? Was it sharp, burning, stabbing, shooting, etc...

Thank you,

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@merpreb Merry, I have received injections in the back of my arms (1 injection in each arm) and in the abdomen. The nurse allows the medication to “warm” a little before injection. The needle is very thin and tiny and reminds me of the allergy shots I received subcutaneously many years ago. For me, there was no pain, not even a burning sensation, in my arms or abdomen. I switched to the abdomen more out of curiosity. I did not experience any injection pain afterwards. But that’s me.

I unknowingly fractured my sacrum last year. In retrospect I realize that the pain I experienced in one leg and then the other for over a month was related to that sacral fracture. I’ll take the joint pain I’m experiencing over another fracture. I already have joint pain from osteoarthritis and so as long as I can keep doing the things I do and like to do, I’ll stretch, do yoga, and go to the gym.

What other medications are being considered?


@merpreb Merry, I have received injections in the back of my arms (1 injection in each arm) and in the abdomen. The nurse allows the medication to “warm” a little before injection. The needle is very thin and tiny and reminds me of the allergy shots I received subcutaneously many years ago. For me, there was no pain, not even a burning sensation, in my arms or abdomen. I switched to the abdomen more out of curiosity. I did not experience any injection pain afterwards. But that’s me.

I unknowingly fractured my sacrum last year. In retrospect I realize that the pain I experienced in one leg and then the other for over a month was related to that sacral fracture. I’ll take the joint pain I’m experiencing over another fracture. I already have joint pain from osteoarthritis and so as long as I can keep doing the things I do and like to do, I’ll stretch, do yoga, and go to the gym.

What other medications are being considered?

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Hi Helen- Thanks for answering. Three of them..but it's only talk right now. Tymlos, Evenity and Prolia. I was handed 3 brochures and to take time to think about it.



Hello @rjkesal123, I combined your discussion with an existing discussion on Evenity side effect concerns so you could read through and meet other members either experiencing side effects or who share your similar concerns about starting evenity, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/evenity-7/.

@cincy, @leslie2121, and @bebea5 have all shared differing experiences with evenity. It is always difficult to start a new medication, especially those that carry lists with strong possible side-effects. @rjkesal123, if you are comfortable sharing, is this the first osteoporosis medication you have been prescribed, or have you tried other treatments prior?

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Thank you for combining the discussions. Yes, this is the first osteoporosis medication that I will be trying and have not had any other treatments for my osteoporosis.


After reviewing the various comments with this group rereading the Evenity drug "insert" and meeting with my endocrinologist, I decided to continue with this medication. Yesterday was my 8th injection.
Realized from my 4th to 7th injections achiness and fatigue was the worst. Particularly right hip and knees. I also sometimes have right side sciatic pain and osteoarthritis. I have mimial achiness today after my7th injection. Dr. Says it may continue this way until the 12 month mark. Data shows this is one of the best drugs to build bone at femoral hip. I scored -3.9 left hip.
Determined to completed the course. In April, another scan ( not DEXA) will determine the next medication. Bone building vs body sealing/ preservation drug.
Best wishes to everyone here. I learned a great deal fromthis group. I'm truly grateful for your honesty.


After reviewing the various comments with this group rereading the Evenity drug "insert" and meeting with my endocrinologist, I decided to continue with this medication. Yesterday was my 8th injection.
Realized from my 4th to 7th injections achiness and fatigue was the worst. Particularly right hip and knees. I also sometimes have right side sciatic pain and osteoarthritis. I have mimial achiness today after my7th injection. Dr. Says it may continue this way until the 12 month mark. Data shows this is one of the best drugs to build bone at femoral hip. I scored -3.9 left hip.
Determined to completed the course. In April, another scan ( not DEXA) will determine the next medication. Bone building vs body sealing/ preservation drug.
Best wishes to everyone here. I learned a great deal fromthis group. I'm truly grateful for your honesty.

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Correction " I have minimal achiness after my 8th injection."


Sorry for the multiple comments. Evenity is my first OP Drug


@bebea5- What has changed your mind about Evenity? I am trying to make a decision and would like to know the "why" of your decisions, the side effects, etc. if you don't mind, of course.

Thank you,

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I Hi Merry,
The side effects of muscle achiness, joint pain and fatigue are "common" and are tolerable. I reread the Evenity insert and many comments from this group . Several talked about achiness/slight joint pain. Other comments much worse. I also met with the endocrinologist, where she explained that I might have reached the peak to the worse of the side effects after the 7th or 8th injection and the body may tolerate/adapt for the remaining medication course. Dr. didn't say those words exactly. I will still feel fatigue and achiness. The 8th injection was indeed tolerable except for inflamed sciatic nerve. I had that a while maybe due to sitting at a desk for so long . I want to complete the medication course and have come this far.

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