Evenity Side Effects

Posted by cincy @cincy, Dec 27, 2023

Has anyone had severe back pain and burning sensation on Evenity after just starting ?And how long does it last or is it a sign to try another medication?It starts about 7 days after the injection and pain is severe you can’t do a thing.Thanks.

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No change whatsoever.No doc response yet

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Please let us know what your doc has to say .


Good evening @cincy. I think it might be helpful for you to review the Evenity side effects encountered with clinical trials. I frequently start my searches on drugs.com. Here is the link for Evenity.

This document also compares Evenity with Tymlos. Just read a little further. I spent 2 years with Tymlos and never had a side effect. However, I have SFN (small fiber neuropathy) and deal with pain consistently. The one thing I also learned was that my body does not handle large doses of medication, e.g. infusions every six months. The advantage of daily injections is that you are not overloading your body with medication with a long half-life.

Let me know if you find anything helpful. I will be right here waiting.

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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Hi Chris, What dose of Tymlos were you able to tolerate?


Hi Chris, What dose of Tymlos were you able to tolerate?

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Greetings @sallyj2 .....and Happy New Year. Unfortunately, the Tymlos optional injection was not available during my 2 year journey. I injected a complete dose every morning. And no side effects at all.


Good afternoon @cincy. I am reacting with concern to your recent comments about Evenity. Have you spoken with your medical professional? There are many questions to which the answers would be helpful. You mention a 7-day start. How long did your pain last? Are you in pain now? Let me send this comment out to this support group so that others who have experience with Evenity can respond.

May you be safe, protected, and free from inner and outer harm.

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I had 7 of 12 Evenity injections. Noticed increase back pain at injection# 4, Lasted for up to 5 days with 7 of 10 pain scale after day 5 4 of 10 pain scale. But daily Stiffness / achy back, knees , especially hips. Right side Osteo arthritis and sciatica! Very tender to sleep upon all Not before Evenity . But maybe due to Osteo arthritis. It's never one issue.
At injection #6 called the Endocrinologist said if I'm really uncomfortable consider stopping medication. I was more aware at injection # 7 last month, joint pain, hips and spine discomfort. I'm a very active 66 year old, exercise at the gym, hike and hopefully cross country ski this winter, .. But feel so stiff!!! Just wrote the doctor today. I think it's time to stop taking Evenity. What will my new normal be??


Yes low back pain and generalized stiffness.


I had 7 of 12 Evenity injections. Noticed increase back pain at injection# 4, Lasted for up to 5 days with 7 of 10 pain scale after day 5 4 of 10 pain scale. But daily Stiffness / achy back, knees , especially hips. Right side Osteo arthritis and sciatica! Very tender to sleep upon all Not before Evenity . But maybe due to Osteo arthritis. It's never one issue.
At injection #6 called the Endocrinologist said if I'm really uncomfortable consider stopping medication. I was more aware at injection # 7 last month, joint pain, hips and spine discomfort. I'm a very active 66 year old, exercise at the gym, hike and hopefully cross country ski this winter, .. But feel so stiff!!! Just wrote the doctor today. I think it's time to stop taking Evenity. What will my new normal be??

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So sorry to hear your increased side effects from Evenity. I had to stop after 5 doses due to increased Blood Pressure and palpitations ( both I never had before). I was told by my Endocrinologist that I needed to take either Reclast or Fosimax to " lock in any gains that I had". Unfortunately I had a DEXA scan right after I stopped the injections and had no improvement. I was not surprised because I had no improvements with other medications I have tried. All of us our unique in our journeys with OP. I am also very active- walk 4-5 miles everyday, practice yoga and am taking Alendronate ( Fosimax) at the moment. It took almost 3 months for my side effects to lessen. I hope you have the same. All of these medications cause side effects and you need to take the time to decide which is best for you. I am looking at more " natural" approaches to dealing with my OP. Again I wish you much support with your journey.


So sorry to hear your increased side effects from Evenity. I had to stop after 5 doses due to increased Blood Pressure and palpitations ( both I never had before). I was told by my Endocrinologist that I needed to take either Reclast or Fosimax to " lock in any gains that I had". Unfortunately I had a DEXA scan right after I stopped the injections and had no improvement. I was not surprised because I had no improvements with other medications I have tried. All of us our unique in our journeys with OP. I am also very active- walk 4-5 miles everyday, practice yoga and am taking Alendronate ( Fosimax) at the moment. It took almost 3 months for my side effects to lessen. I hope you have the same. All of these medications cause side effects and you need to take the time to decide which is best for you. I am looking at more " natural" approaches to dealing with my OP. Again I wish you much support with your journey.

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Thank you for sharing.
I plan to transition off Evenity. I have an appt. with the endocrinologist next week to decide which medication is next and best for me, if any.
This is a complex disease. With overlapping issues like arthritics, it makes it difficult to know what is best for the body. I know what is best for my spirit....
Medical professional have different treatment methods. OP meds have moderate success rate. The journey continues.


Hi I am starting my first Evenity injection at the end of January and am terrified of the side effects. Has anyone had a positive experience with Evenity? Is there anything you have taken before the injection that may help. My doctor will give me a xanax to help with the anxiety before. Thank you!


Hi I am starting my first Evenity injection at the end of January and am terrified of the side effects. Has anyone had a positive experience with Evenity? Is there anything you have taken before the injection that may help. My doctor will give me a xanax to help with the anxiety before. Thank you!

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The injection(s) itself is no big deal. The needle is short & tiny and the medicine can burn a little going in - it helps if taken out of the fridge ahead of time.
I had some side effects but also good results. Most people tolerate it well and it actually builds new bone.


The injection(s) itself is no big deal. The needle is short & tiny and the medicine can burn a little going in - it helps if taken out of the fridge ahead of time.
I had some side effects but also good results. Most people tolerate it well and it actually builds new bone.

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Hi Leslie- What were your side effects? Some of us are trying to make decisions and want to know all of the good along with the bad.



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