Where do you want to grow old?

People have many options for living arrangements as an older adult, like living in a house with a group of friends (think Golden Girls), going to a 55+ community, or staying in your own house.

What are your plans? Where do you want to grow old?
What choice did you make? What are the the pros and cons of your arrangement?

What advice do you have for others?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Aging Well Support Group.


I used to have a peddler that I used a few years ago. My knees can’t bend to do it anymore. I think that’s from the peripheral neuropathy.

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Can you gets those knees replaced? I have perpherial Neurpathy also and two replaced hips. Life is not easy. I take neurontin to keep going.


He is now spending as much time in the vacation house as he is here. It has a yard for our dog and great neighbors. Not sure what we will do.

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That vacation house sounds like a plan. I am hearing that people are trying to figure out a good place to retire. We have gone west coast to east coast and are most likely heading back West to start out renting first. (Call it a vacation house). We came back here with our 3 year old pooch thinking my anxiety and depression would improve. I am on Effexor x2 every morning. I am 62 hubby is 68. I am trying to mentally block out regrets and move on in the future. I may have inherited this “crap” from my sister (bipolar) and grandfather with (depression). I know this is alot to think of. Our kids (both) over 40 may think we are nuts. it is a lil tougher with inclement weather. I am excited about our plans. . 😊
Ps. I am planning on writing a book about this in the near future. I hope that these issues for others as well as myself will find resolve. There is so much modern medicine out there but hopefully some new info will surface on anxiety…etc….to help.


Sounds like you are still in charge of your life, not giving up. Also you have taken action by moving where you want to. When I was depressed I finally saw that taking some action that I was resisting was the key to overcoming my depression. You are still relatively young and it sounds like you are on a good path. If the depression doesn’t lift perhaps you should see a doctor about changing meds?


A topic that is very much on my mind.....trying to learn more about cohousing. It's appealing to me for the social aspect of living in community with others who have similar values. These communities are proliferating in the US and internationally, and there seems to be a wide variety of communities to suit every budget, both for mixed ages and for seniors. A good source of info is cohousing.org, where interested people can learn more about starting a community or joining an existing one. I hope to attend their annual conference in Denver in August!


@lctpdc: This is very much on my mind lately too. I am looking for a way to increase contact with others in a town that doesn’t have a structure like say a parks and recreation department that oversees senior centers. I am doing my research and will include your suggestion. I do wonder how these any group living together manage to work after seeing one in action that was dysfunctional. I lived for a time in what was termed a “co-op” in California which was taken over by a narcissist/sociopath (in my layman’s opinion) who made it a very unpleasant place to live. I moved finally. So while wary, I still believe it could be a pleasant way to live if set up correctly.


Having lived for 5 years in a co-housing community, I'd sadly rate my experience at about C+.
Co-housing can be a good option, but explore and research in depth. Look very critically at the care given to common areas and buildings. When residents talk about co-housing, we tend to get excited talking about the ideals of the community. In reality it may be different, because people are people, and you are drawing on a very small group for the management and care of the community.
Although it violates my ideals, I think it's best to look for a co-housing community that is designed for 55+ age residents. Most of the work of caring for our community is done by a minority of 65+ residents.
The Co-housing-L mailing list will give you many discussions about life in co-housing.
To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit


I live alone in a apartment building and have no fami,y members near me, I still able to everything by my self but I know the day is coming when I can’t. I plan to stay in my apt and will have to hire people to help me.I am not looking forward to the day I have to give up driving I have always been independent. Ii guess I will also have to hire someone to visit once in a while as I am lonely now but at least Ivan go to the mall and have a coffee hoping to meet someone I know.I am 88 in still pretty good health, I have volunteered for many years, my eyes arenot that good so I can’t read much.any I have out lived most of my friends. Any ideas are welcomed.

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Have you found any assistance for visual issues? There are so many programs/adaptations that can help, like projecting text to your tv etc. I’m not fully familiar with all the sources but in chicago there’s Hadley. http://www.Hadley.edu which provides resources free of charge.
Maybe your local library could help you research programs. Or your state Office on Aging at https://www.hhs.gov/aging/state-resources/index.html


That vacation house sounds like a plan. I am hearing that people are trying to figure out a good place to retire. We have gone west coast to east coast and are most likely heading back West to start out renting first. (Call it a vacation house). We came back here with our 3 year old pooch thinking my anxiety and depression would improve. I am on Effexor x2 every morning. I am 62 hubby is 68. I am trying to mentally block out regrets and move on in the future. I may have inherited this “crap” from my sister (bipolar) and grandfather with (depression). I know this is alot to think of. Our kids (both) over 40 may think we are nuts. it is a lil tougher with inclement weather. I am excited about our plans. . 😊
Ps. I am planning on writing a book about this in the near future. I hope that these issues for others as well as myself will find resolve. There is so much modern medicine out there but hopefully some new info will surface on anxiety…etc….to help.

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I am excited to share some news. We have found a rental 15 min from our son’s rental in Santa Barbara. He looked at it yesterday, and we did FaceTime. If this works out (prayer in here), we would have it by 3/1 (which isn’t too far away. We would head out with our pup on or around 3/15, again another journey. We would sell our house here with most of stuff in it. We asked about fencing over there, and it is allowed for Xyla. I feel bad for our pup and moving back. I have learned that all this old furniture is just stuff and has been dragged literally all over the country. I am nervous as we are in the 60’s and it is again a large undertaking. We haven’t rented for a while. I will continue taking my Effexor every morning. My husband is a Saint, and I don’t know how he puts up with me.
Our car plates will still be intact when we get there, I feel bad having to leave our daughter here on the East. We did get to see her a few times. She has two kids, whom we also saw. I hope that this will be a nice place to grow old.
Happy Saturday !!


Coleen asked, “Where do you want to grow old?” Answer: Sitting on the porch of a mobile trailer parked in front of Mayo, Scottsdale. Lol.
Serious answer: I will probably transfer one day to a smaller apt. near Austin.
My relatives live there and it would be fun to see them. My parents lived there when they were living. I went to college there as well. Lost my dear husband two years ago. We both grew up in deep S. Texas.
Pros: Being near my roots of yesteryear will be good thing. Cons: perhaps it is pricier so I will have to watch my pennies. I live on the Texas coast and will probably take my time to sell my home by the water and move. I will miss my home.
I want to stay away from rest home but I agree some over 55 communities look great as well.
Remaining healthy and independent is my goal.

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I really never thought of any of this until I was 70 years old that’s when I retired


It’s ok. I didn’t think about until recently. There’s a nice feeling about being retired. So enjoy your time.

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