PMR - possible diagnosis

Posted by nancy53 @nancy53, Dec 29, 2023

I have developed what my PCP theorizes is PMR. First available appointment with a Rheumatologist is in February. Meanwhile, it has been a huge and painful life altering experience. My shoulders have been immobile some mornings and my hips don't want to function either. A couple of hours into the morning I feel better and can move. I was given Prednisone (game changer) dosed at 30mg every other day. I've researched the negative aspects - but it really does help. I'm trying acupuncture, PT, and I've cleaned my diet up drastically. No sugar, refined foods, red meat, processed food, etc. Nothing that can be considered inflammatory passes my lips! I just turned 70, am fit, did Yoga everyday for 4 years prior to this malady striking me. I take Turmeric with black pepper 3 times a day. Light exercise seems to help a bit. Thanks for listening, this has been a very scary 2 months. Any other anecdotal suggestions for symptom control? Thankful I found this support group, My body can't do much, but my brain can!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.


Regarding diet, my rheumatologist recommended gluten free and that has helped. I’m still on prednisone (finally down to 2.5 mg) and find that daily exercise is a must. It’s counter-intuitive when we’re in pain to exercise, but whether just walking or an exercise bike, the benefits can be significant. My rheumatologist also teaches his clients tai chi and you could explore that online if there are no groups near you. Best to you! I’m also grateful for this group❤️

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I've cut all gluten and processed foods from my diet. Inflammation has subsided. You are 100% correct about exercise. I found a PMR exercise guru from the UK on YouTube, his stretches are gentle and effective. Walking 20 minutes a day and will start warm water exercises next week.

Yoga has been my exercise of choice for years, sad to be unable to continue my practice at the moment. I can do some things, but not many. Tai Chi is an option.

What a weird journey these last 2 months have been.

Best to you as well!



Sure sounds like PMR but I’m glad for you that prednisone helps. You are doing all the right things in terms of diet and exercise. I’m planning to add Tai Chi in the Spring.

Stay with it until you see the Rheumy and here’s hoping you have gotten a good One!!


Sure sounds like PMR but I’m glad for you that prednisone helps. You are doing all the right things in terms of diet and exercise. I’m planning to add Tai Chi in the Spring.

Stay with it until you see the Rheumy and here’s hoping you have gotten a good One!!

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I hope the doc is good too. He's the only one in town taking new patients!

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